This is a photograph from E. A. Brown’s collection. It shows a contingent of Scout and Guide leaders preceded by three drummers during the parade at ‘Children’s Corner’ on 31 March 1922. This event was part of the programme for H.R.H. the Prince of Wales’ two-day visit to Singapore on 31 March and 1 April 1922. Date of creation estimated. Title devised by Library staff. Information contributed by Richard Hale.
This is a photograph from E. A. Brown's collection. It depicts a seaplane flying in the sky....
This is a photograph from E. A. Brown's collection. It depicts a street in Gemas with some shophouses and people walking about....
This is a photograph from E. A. Brown's collection. It depicts military personnel taking part in a marching parade....
This is a photograph from E. A. Brown's collection. It depicts parade commanders discussing and preparing for the parade before it begins....
This is a photograph from E. A. Brown's collection. It depicts a view of the H.M.S. Herald at sea....
This is a photograph from E. A. Brown's collection. It depicts an Indian procession walking along a tree-lined road....
This is a photograph from E. A. Brown's collection. It depicts a view of the band playing as it marches by the parade....
This is a photograph from E. A. Brown's collection. It depicts a view of the dock from the shore where the photograph was taken....