This is a pre-1914 photograph from E. A. Brown's collection. It shows oxen being bathed in a river or a pond surrounded by forestation. Several bare-chested men (possibly bullock drivers) are standing knee-deep in the water next to the oxen, with some of the men wearing headgear. No date of creation provided. Title devised by Library staff. Information contributed by Richard Hale.
This is a photograph from E. A. Brown's collection. It depicts a seaplane flying in the sky....
This is a photograph from E. A. Brown's collection. It depicts a group of British Indian soldiers taking part in a procession. In the background can be seen a row of shophouses. Title devised by Library staff. Date of creation estimated....
This is a photograph from E. A. Brown's collection. It depicts a view of the H.M.S. Herald at sea....
This is a photograph from E. A. Brown's collection. It depicts a group of Scouts gathering at a Scout meeting in an open field....
This is a photograph from E. A. Brown's collection. It depicts a group of workers working on an unfinished railway line....
This is a photograph from E. A. Brown's collection. It depicts a group of workers working on an unfinished railway line....
This is a photograph from E. A. Brown's collection. It depicts a view of the dock from the shore where the photograph was taken....
This is a photograph from E. A. Brown's collection. It depicts a tugboat docking with other boats surrounding it....