We have collected over 1 million items in PublicationSG, our collection of Singapore’s published heritage. These are materials published and distributed in Singapore which span diverse fields including literary and visual arts, business, social sciences and humanities.
Check out PublicationSG.
You may also use the Advanced Search feature in the National Library Board Catalogue to view all materials in the PublicationSG collection. To perform an Advanced Search, start by clicking the Advanced Search link under the search box in the catalogue. In the location field, select ‘PublicationSG’.
You will be notified via SMS/email once the materials are ready.
You need to produce the SMS/email and photo ID to collect your materials.
Payment of the reservation fee must be made upon collection.
The PublicationSG collection is located at an external venue with suitable conditions for the proper storage of preservation materials. These items can only be retrieved for onsite consultation at the Lee Kong Chian Reference Library if no other loan or reference copies are available in NLB’s catalogue. NLB reserves the right to turn down requests to consult an item if the item is too fragile to handle.
Consultation of the materials is restricted to within the library reading room and only for a period of 14 days.
Customers can pay online for all library transactions via PayPal/debit/credit card or PayNow QR by logging in to your National Library Board library account.
Online payment on NLB Mobile app is available via PayPal/debit/credit card, Apple Pay and Google Pay.
You can also use the borrowing stations at all public libraries to pay for transactions via CashCard or EZ-Link card.