Online payment options are available. Borrowing privileges will be suspended once you incur charges in your library account. The privileges will be restored when outstanding charges are paid up.
Overdue fines will be applied for items returned after the due date.
Overdue fines are:
Borrowing privileges will be suspended if a member has outstanding charges in his or her account. The privileges will be restored when outstanding charges are paid in full.
If you lose and/or damage a library item, you will have to pay:
Replacements for lost and/or damaged items will not be accepted.
There will be no refund once payment is made even if the lost item is found later.
Borrowing privileges will be suspended once you incur charges in your library account. The privileges will be restored when outstanding charges are paid up.
Reservation fee is $1.58 (GST-inclusive) per item and must be paid before or upon collection of the reserved item.
Reservation fees apply when you:
If the reservation has been allocated to you but you were unable to collect it, the reservation fee will still be applied. You can cancel your reservation any time before it is allocated to you.
Borrowing privileges will be suspended once you incur charges in your library account. The privileges will be restored when outstanding charges are paid up.