This is an undated photograph from E. A. Brown's collection. It shows the 5th Scout Troop, Victoria Bridge School in front of an attap hut constructed on the school playing field. The Scouter in the centre (seated) is Edward Payne (EMF Payne) who came to Singapore from Mauritius in 1935. He was a teacher at Victoria Bridge School and Acting District Commissioner of the Scouts in 1937. He left for Selangor that same year so the photograph can be dated between 1935 and 1937. Date of creation estimated. Title devised by Library staff. Information contributed by Richard Hale, Kevin Tan and Wan Meng Hao.
This is a photograph from E. A. Brown's collection. It depicts a group of scouts and their instructors posing for a photograph in front of a wooden structure which has the Scout's motto on it: Serve God. Honour the King. Love the Brotherhood. Title devised by Library staff. Date of...
This is a photograph from E. A. Brown's collection. It depicts a group of scouts and their instructors posing for a photograph in front of a wooden structure with the Scout's motto on it which reads: Serve God. Honour the King. Love the brotherhood. Title devised by Library staff. Date...
This is a photograph from E. A. Brown's collection. It depicts a group of five scout instructors demonstrating how to cook in the outdoors....
This is a photograph from E. A. Brown's collection. It depicts a group of young scouts listening to their instructor. Seated behind them is a group of distinguished guests....
This is a photograph from E. A. Brown's collection. It depicts a group of Indian coolies gathering on board a ship....
This is a photograph from E. A. Brown's collection. It depicts a group of boat taxis in the river. Title devised by Library staff. Date of creation estimated....
This is a photograph from E. A. Brown's collection. It depicts a traditional Malay kampung house with its residents posing in front of the house....
This is a photograph from E. A. Brown's collection. It depicts a Malay man having a conversation with two people at a side alley....