Contemporary Collecting

Help us build a visual snapshot of our local and diverse culture today by contributing your memories and records of life in Singapore to our Contemporary Collecting themes on Young Singapore and Singapore Makan.

About Contemporary Collecting

Contemporary collecting is an important aspect of NLB’s work. It looks at the acquisition and preservation of materials that represent not only our distant past, but also our recent history. These materials can be collected and contributed by individuals, organisations, and institutions to capture the essence of what life is like in 21st-century Singapore—socially, culturally, politically and economically. By documenting experiences and stories, future generations can better understand and appreciate the unique contributions of today’s Singaporeans to the city-state's cultural tapestry.


Contemporary Collecting

We are taking a thematic approach in collecting the many aspects that make up Singapore society. More details on the collecting themes (e.g. Food, Youth Culture, etc.) and the types of information we are looking to collect will be announced via our crowdsourcing portal, Singapore Memories: Documenting Our Stories Together.


Some examples of what we might collect are:

  1. photo and video contributions of your favourite meals, your favourite places to eat, or your daily groceries to build a visual record of Singapore’s local delicacies under the Food theme,
  2. Social media accounts or websites that youths follow in keeping up with lifestyle, fashion, music, trends, and
  3. records of your school days, interests and hobbies, as part of documenting Singapore’s youth culture.


NLB invites you to contribute materials based on our themes. These could include photographs, videos, audios social media accounts (YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter), websites, publications, posters and more, to capture the changing contemporary landscape in early 21st-century Singapore for future generations to discover. Your contributions will be assessed for addition into our collection and made available for public access in time to come. These materials could be utilised in future for various purposes such as exhibitions, public seminars and research.  


You may submit materials of which you are the owner or creator, or nominate websites and content. In the case of the latter, NLB will reach out to the owner for permission to add the content to our collection.


For enquiries, please contact the NLB Contemporary Collecting Team at


NLB is looking for volunteers to be part of the documenting team for the current collecting themes of Singapore Makan and Young Singapore to collect or create materials that tell others about our local food and youth culture. Basic training will be provided by librarians from the National Library. Your work could be added into the national collection and become important historical references for current and future generations. Send an email to indicating which initiative (Singapore Makan/Young Singapore) you are interested in for more information.

These are the rules for the “My Singapore Memories: Lucky Draw” organised by the National Library Board (NLB).  By entering this contest, participants confirm agreement to all the rules.


(1)  How do I participate? 

From 15 February 2024 0000 hrs to 14 March 2024 2359 hrs (SGT), NLB is organising a social media contest through the @NationalLibrarySG Facebook and Instagram accounts. 

To participate, you must:

(a) be an NLB member* with a myLibrary account for using digital resources (

(b) have a public Facebook or Instagram profile.

(* NLB staff and their immediate family members and contractors for NLB who are involved in organising this contest cannot participate.)

Step 1:

Visit NLB’s crowdsourcing portal “Singapore Memories” at and upload at least one (1) image with caption (using your myLibrary username) under the themes beginning with “Singapore Makan:…” or “Young Singapore:…”. Submissions should fulfil the guiding questions under the specific theme (e.g. Images submitted must be both clear and relevant to the theme.

Step 2:

Tag two (2) friends in the comments section of NLB’s Facebook/Instagram lucky draw post.


All entries must be written in English.





(2)  Who will win prizes?

A total of ten (10) winners will be selected via lucky draw held on Wednesday, 20 March 2024, 3pm, at the Visitors’ Briefing Room at 100 Victoria Street, National Library Building S188064.


(3)  Can I send in multiple entries?   

Participants are encouraged to post multiple entries but will only be eligible for one (1) prize. Completion of Steps 1 and 2 constitutes one (1) entry.


(4)  What are the prizes?

Ten (10) prizes will be available:
  • 10 x $50 NTUC voucher*

*Subject to NTUC’s terms and conditions at


(5)  When will the winners be announced?

Results will be posted by 22 March, 6pm on the @NationalLibrarySG Facebook and Instagram pages. Winners will also be contacted via Direct Message on the respective social media pages of their winning posts. No other form of correspondence regarding results will be entertained. 


NLB will pick the winners and its decision is final.


(6)  How do I collect the prize?

For verification purposes, winners must provide the following details to NLB via Direct Message to @NationalLibrarySG Facebook/Instagram account:

  • Full name (as per NRIC)
  • myLibrary username
  • Email address associated with their myLibrary account

within five (5) days of the date of posting of results.


NLB will send the e-voucher codes via email to winners upon identity verification. 


(7)  What happens to unclaimed prizes?

Up to 10 back-up winners will also be selected at the same draw on Wednesday, 20 March 2024, 3pm, at the Visitors’ Briefing Room at 100 Victoria Street, National Library Building S188064.


In the event any of the initial 10 winners do not provide the requisite details for verification within 5 days of the date of posting of results, or are disqualified from the draw due to the non-completion of one or more of the qualifying steps detailed in (1), back-up winners will be contacted via Direct Message on the respective social media pages of their winning posts in the order they were drawn.


(8)  Who owns the rights to content?

Participants must ensure that they post only content (e.g. words, images, sounds and videos) written or created by them or where they have received permission to use for purposes of this contest.  


NLB does not claim any copyright to the content posted by participants.  


All participants give NLB the perpetual and world-wide right to exhibit, present, publish and archive the content in print, online (and successor platforms) or on any media for any NLB purposes without the payment of any fee. This same right applies to any videos or photographs of prize-giving as may be organised by NLB.  


(9)  Updates 

Check the @NationalLibrarySG Facebook and/or Instagram accounts for updates on the rules and this contest. Unexpected circumstances may require NLB to change the rules or prizes at any time or to cancel this contest at NLB’s sole discretion.  


15 February 2024