This is a pre-1914 photograph from E. A. Brown's collection. It shows a Malay policeman in uniform, with a group of Indian labourers in the background resurfacing the road. The policeman’s songkok shows the police badge as well as his own number and rank. No date of creation provided. Title devised by Library staff. Information contributed by Richard Hale.
This is a photograph from E. A. Brown's collection. It depicts a policeman directing traffic in the middle of the road with his left hand outstretched....
This is a photograph from E. A. Brown's collection. It depicts an Indian family standing at the gate of their housing compound. The woman and children in the picture are dressed in Malay-style clothes....
This is a photograph from E. A. Brown's collection. It depicts an Indian procession walking along a tree-lined road....
This is a photograph from E. A. Brown's collection. It depicts a group of Indian coolies gathering on board a ship....
This is a photograph from E. A. Brown's collection. It depicts a view of one part of the dock, taken from its side....
This is a photograph from E. A. Brown's collection. It depicts a group of workers working on an unfinished railway line....
This is a photograph from E. A. Brown's collection. It depicts a boy sitting on the grass, behind him are two tents....
This is a photograph from E. A. Brown's collection. It depicts a view of the entire dock from one side of it....