Notices of the Indian archipelago, and adjacent countries : being a collection of papers relating to Borneo, Celebes, Bali, Java, Sumatra, Nias, the Philippine islands, Sulus, Siam, Cochin China, Malayan Peninsula,&c

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Notices of the Indian archipelago, and adjacent countries : being a collection of papers relating to Borneo, Celebes, Bali, Java, Sumatra, Nias, the Philippine islands, Sulus, Siam, Cochin China, Malayan Peninsula,&c

Information About

This compilation is in two parts. Part 1 consists of reprints of various articles on islands and countries in Southeast Asia which appeared in the Singapore Chronicle between 1824 and 1834. Part 2 comprises accounts of Singapore's history, trade and economy, the Dutch system of government, trade and economy in Java, trade, production and resources of Manila and historical ccounts of Borneo and Sooloo islands. It includes six maps of Singapore, Borneo, Malayan and Indian Archipelagos.

Additional Details

Moor, J. H.
Southeast Asia--Description and travel
Java (Indonesia)--Description and travel
Singapore--Description and travel
Voyages and travels
National Library Board Singapore, 1837
Digital Description
application/pdf, 50671 KB, 440 p. ; maps, col.
Table of Contents
Index -- List of maps -- Borneo proper -- Memoirs on the residency of the north-west coast of Borneo -- Mr Dalton's papers on Borneo. &c. on the present state of piracy, amongst these islands and the best method of its suppression -- The insurrection in Java -- Journal of a voyage around the island of Singapore -- Short account of Timor, Rotti, Savu, Salor, &c. -- Some particulars relating to Sulo, in the archipelago of Felicia -- Account of Sungie Ujong, one of the states in the interior of Malacca -- Outline of political relations with the native states of the eastern and western coasts, Malayan Peninsula.
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