Census of population 1980, Singapore : administrative report

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Census of population 1980, Singapore : administrative report

Information About

The administrative report of the 1980 Census of Populationprovides a comprehensive record and documentation of all phases of census operations. These include planning and preparation, field operation, editing and coding, computer processing and tabulation as well as analysis and publication of the results. It also reviewscensus operations and assesses methods and procedures adopted. The reviews and assessments will be of great value in planning future censuses. Highlights of the main findings of the 1980 census, sample design and estimation of sampling errors, results of the Post Enumeration Survey, life tables and population projections are alsopresented. To facilitate the work of future census takers, the various schedules and other census materials used are also incorporated in this report.

Additional Details

Khoo, Chian Kim
Singapore--Census, 1980
Singapore : Dept. of Statistics, 1983
National Library Board Singapore, 1983
Singapore. Dept. of Statistics
Digital Description
application/pdf, maps
Table of Contents
Preface -- ch. 1. Census planning and preparation -- ch. 2. Organization and enumeration -- ch. 3. Processing, Tabulation and publication of census data -- ch. 4. Post enumeration survey -- ch. 5. Highlights from the main enumeration -- ch. 6. Highlights from the sample enumeration – Appendices.
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