Shui, Lan


Composer, Conductor

lan shui

Information About

Lan Shui has been Music Director of the Singapore Symphony Orchestra since 1997, Chief Conductor of the Copenhagen Philharmonic Orchestra since the 2007/08 season and recently concluded a four year period as Artistic Advisor of the National Taiwan Symphony Orchestra. He is renowned for his abilities as an orchestral builder and for his passion in commissioning, premiering and recording new works by the cream of Asia’s composers. Under Shui’s direction, the Singapore Symphony Orchestra has become a world-class ensemble and has made several acclaimed tours to Germany, Switzerland, Japan, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, France, Spain and the USA, and is passionate about commissioning, premiering and recording works by Asian composers. Bio retrieved Jul 2016 © All rights reserved,

Albums By Shui, Lan

Songs By Shui, Lan