Ebby Saiful is an actor , singer , composer, musician and director of the popular TV drama Malaysia and Singapore in the 1980s. When he was 19 years old, he and his colleagues established the same age group The Beez then called New Breed. They play music at Hotel Merlin for seven years starting in 1978. His talents as a musician is not only a source of sustenance Ebby, but it gives an opportunity to become a recording artist Ebby when he came up with two albums under the record company SRC Warriors Hoe (1980) and To Anita (1983). This proved all the songs for the film Love Marah created by him. Not only that, but his songs Flowers Berguguran ever invented popularity of the actress who is also a singer Natalie in the movie lover's voice. Image retrieved Dec 2014 © All rights reserved, http://i.ytimg.com/vi/JQMekVuxtVc/hqdefault.jpg Bio retrieved Dec 2014 © All rights reserved, Wikipedia
Tan, Kelvin
Tan, Kelvin
Tan, Kelvin
Tan, Kelvin
Tan, Kelvin
Tan, Kelvin