I Am David Sparkle (Musical group)


Composer, Lyricist, Performer

david sparkle

Information About

I Am David Sparkle is a band from Singapore, formed in 2001 as an instrumental collective. The band's name is a direct literal translation from the name of a famous Malaysian singing legend – M. Daud Kilau. The band released their debut album ‘This is the new’ in 2007, the single "Nosferatu Me Nervous" in 2009, and the album ‘swords’ in 2010. Image retrieved Jan 2015 © All rights reserved, http://awe50me.com/2011/03/16/i-am-david-sparkle-singapore/ Bio retrieved Jan 2015 © All rights reserved, Wikipedia

Albums By I Am David Sparkle (Musical group)

Songs By I Am David Sparkle (Musical group)