Hu, Bingxu



hu bingxu

Information About

Hu Bing Xu is one of the most outstanding conductors in the Chinese music fraternity. From April 1997 till April 2000, he was invited to be the first music director and resident conductor of the SCO. During his term of appointment, he led the orchestra to perform in various cities including Beijing, Shanghai, Xiamen and Taiwan, all of which were well acclaimed for. Hu Bing Xu has held the posts of resident conductor and artistic director for seven national performing art troupes in China, namely the Central Philharmonic Orchestra, Shanghai Peking Opera Theatre, Beijing Peking Opera Theatre, China National Opera House, Oriental Song and Dance Troupe, Central Corps de Ballet and Central Chinese Orchestra, and is currently the Music Director cum Principal Conductor of the Guangdong Chinese Orchestra. He was awarded the Outstanding Conductorship Award by The Ministry of Culture of the People’s Republic of China. Image retrieved Jan 2015 © All rights reserved, Bio retrieved Jun 2015 © All rights reserved,

Albums By Hu, Bingxu