Addy Rasidi


Arranger, Composer, Lyricist, Performer

addy cradle

Information About

Addy Cradle Rasidi, born in 1975, is a popular Singaporean guitarist. ADDY began playing the guitar at the age of 10, and recorded his first album with the Malaysian band Teacher's Pet (Warner Music) at 16, then Cradle (EMI) two years later. With the release of his first solo album, Rahsia, in 2003, he won the APM award for Best New Solo Artiste in 2004. In 2006, ADDY received the Compass Awards for Best Top Local Malay Pop Song (Mengapa Berdusta), for composer and lyricist. ADDY is known as Addy Cradle and Addy Rasidi. ADDY is a guitarist, singer, songwriter, composer, producer, sessionist and teacher. ADDY has his own recording studio called [EDENINC] where he does most of his work. Image: © All rights reserved: Bio retrieved Nov 2014: © All rights reserved:

Albums By Addy Rasidi