Zheng, Xiuwen
Songs By Zheng, Xiuwen
冲上云霄 / 出品, 寰亚电影制作有限公司[and six others] ; 监制, 梁家树 ; 编剧, 邹凯光, 冼子文, 许岚枫 ; 导演, 叶伟信, 邹凯光 = Triumph in the skies / presented by Media Asia Film Production Limited [and six others] ; producer, Tommy Leung ; screenplay by Matt Chow, Jun Sin, Xu Lengfeng ; directed by Wilson Yip, Matt Chow. Chong shang yun xiao / chu pin, Huan ya dian ying zhi zuo you xian gong si [and six others] ; jian zhi, Liang Jiashu ; bian ju, Zou Kaiguang, Xian Ziwen, Xu Lanfeng ; dao yan, Ye Weixin, Zou Kaiguang = Triumph in the skies / presented by Media Asia Film Production Limited [and six others] ; producer, Tommy Leung ; screenplay by Matt Chow, Jun Sin, Xu Lengfeng ; directed by Wilson Yip, Matt Chow.
高海拔之恋II = Romancing in thin air / 银河映像(香港)有限公司制作 ; 出品, 寰亚电影有限公司, 中影寰亚音像制品有限公司 ; 监制, 杜琪峰, 韦家辉, 张国立 ; 编剧, 韦家辉 ... [et al.] ; 导演, 杜琪峰. Gao hai ba zhi lian II = Romancing in thin air / Yin he ying xiang (Xianggang) you xian gong si zhi zuo ; chu pin, Huan ya dian ying you xian gong si, Zhong ying huan ya yin xiang zhi pin you xian gong si ; jian zhi, Du Qifeng, Wei Jiahui, Zhang Guoli ; bian ju, Wei Jiahui ... [et al.] ; dao yan, Du Qifeng.