Changkat Primary School was initially named Changkat Changi Primary School because of its location. It was built on the top of a small hill ("changkat" means small hill in Malay) at Changi Road. The school academic performance has been steadily progressing over the years. It has also seen success in the non-academic areas such as Sports and Games, Aesthetics and Information Communication Technology (ICT).There is a steady demand for more places in the school from the surrounding neighbourhood in the past few years. With a pleasant and conducive teaching-learning environment and a committed and dedicated staff, the school is set to surge forward to achieve greater heights in both the academic and non-academic fields. Image and Bio retrieved Dec 2014 © All rights reserved,
Tan, Kelvin
Tan, Kelvin
Tan, Kelvin
Tan, Kelvin
Tan, Kelvin
Tan, Kelvin