Chong, Jon


Composer, Performer

chong jon

Information About

Having written songs for over a decade to capture and express his thoughts and experiences, Jon Chong views music as a natural extension of who he is. In his songs, Jon delves honestly into the themes of life and love and why, and stirs us to consider our unique place in the world. Over the years, he has experienced the vibrancy, hustle and bustle of cities he has travelled to and lived in such as New York, Boston, Tokyo, Moscow and Singapore. His diverse travels have provided a rich palette of life experiences, which have undoubtedly coloured his songs. Jon strongly believes in the power of music to influence lives and aspires to bring back prominence to lyrics and their message. Ultimately, he hopes to inspire people, as a fellow traveller, to pursue their passions and dreams by carving out their own opportunities and breaking stereotypes if necessary, and have as much fun as possible along the journey! Image and Bio retrieved Dec 2014 © All rights reserved,

Albums By Chong, Jon