Chew Kok Chang

Singapore Infopedia

by Tan, Chee Lay

Chew Kok Chang 周国灿 (b. 1934, Guangdong, China–), otherwise known as Zhou Can (周粲), or other pen names such as Qiu Ling 丘陵, Yu Yin 郁因, Lin Zhong Yue 林中月, Zhou Zhi Xian 周志翔, and Ai Jia 艾佳, is a well-known Chinese author in Singapore. He is a versatile writer, whose writings consist of poems, prose, short stories and critical essays.1

Early life
Chew was born in Guangdong province, China, in 1934. His family moved to Singapore in 1937 when he was three.2 Chew received his education in Singapore, having studied at Duan Meng Primary School and Chung Cheng High School.3 The publication of his first collection of poems, 孩子底梦: 新诗创作集  [The Dream of a Child], in 1953, marked the start of his writing career.4

Chew graduated from Nanyang University’s Faculty of Chinese Language with a Bachelor of Arts in 1960.5 After receiving a scholarship from the Singapore government in 1964, he continued his studies at the University of Singapore (now National University of Singapore) and graduated with first-class honours in 1966. Chew then obtained his Master of Arts in Literature at the same university in 1969.6

Since then, Chew had taken up teaching positions as a teacher and lecturer in local schools and the National Institute of Education, and worked at the Curriculum Development Institute of Singapore.7 He is currently retired.8

Literary accomplishments
Better known by his pen name Zhou Can (周粲), Chew has been an active figure in the Singapore Chinese literary circle. He started writing poems when he was a student at Chung Cheng High School.9 Since the publication of his first poetry compilation, 孩子底梦: 新诗创作集  [The Dream of a Child] in 1953, Chew has continued to write with passion and has more than 80 titles to his name to date.10 Although he started off as a poet, Chew is regarded as a very versatile writer by many. Besides poetry, he has published other genres such as prose, travelogues, short stories, mini-novels, children’s literature and academic essays.11 His essays cover topics such as modern poetry and classical Chinese literature on Song Dynasty lyrics and Yuan Dynasty music, as well as the teaching of Chinese language and literature.12

Chew is also regarded as one of the pioneers in the promotion of the mini-novel genre in Singapore, alongside other Singapore authors such as Wong Meng Voon (黄孟文), Tian Liu (田流) and Luo Bin Lu (骆宾路).13 In February 1988, Chew became the first Singaporean writer to publish a compilation of mini-novels titled 恶魔之夜: 微型小 [The Devil’s Night: A Collection of Mini-novels].14 He then went on to publish other mini-novel compilations, including 抢劫 [Robbery] (1990), 沉默族:微型小说集 [The Silent Group] (2000), 夜车: 微型小说集 [The Night Vehicle] (2003) and 周粲微型小 [A Collection of Zhou Can’s Mini-novels] (2004). Chew was also the main editor of the mini-novel compilation 万花筒: 微型小 [A Kaleidoscope of Mini-novels] (1994)15 and the periodical 微型小说季刊 [Quarterly Periodical on Mini-novels], published by the Singapore Association of Writers.16 In the afterword of The Night Vehicle, Chew mentioned that the mini-novel is one of his favourite genres besides poetry and prose, and that he hoped to continue writing mini-novels.17 His vigour in writing and editing has contributed greatly to the promotion of the mini-novel genre in Singapore.18

Besides poetry and mini-novels, Chew has also written and translated children’s literature, and this includes poems, nursery rhymes, fairy tales and folktales.19 His poetry collection for children, 给孩子们的诗 [Poems for Children] (1974), was awarded the National Book Development Council of Singapore Book Prize under the Children’s and Youth Literature category in 1975.20 His Chinese adaptation of folktales from the Philippines, compiled into a collection titled The Crow and the Coleto: Folktales from the Philippines (1980), was translated into both English and Malay.21

Married with two children.22

Selected books written and published
1953: 孩子底梦: 新诗创作集 [The dream of a child: A collection of modern poetry].

1958: 青春 [Youth].23
1960: 云南园风景画 () [The beautiful sceneries of Yunnan Garden (poetry)].24
1965: 词赏析 [Appreciation of Song Dynasty lyrics].25
1966: 铁栏里的春天 (散文) [Spring time behind metal bars (prose)].
1968: 千年之 () [The thousand year lotus (poetry)].
1969: 读诗写诗谈诗 () [Reading, writing and talking about poems (poetry)].26
1971: 风的早晨: 诗集 [Poetry: a breezy morning].
1972: 飞的玻璃球: 诗集 [Poetry: the flying glass balls].
1973: 华文教学论文集 (理论) [Essays on the teaching of Chinese language (theory)]27; 五色喷泉: 周粲散文集 [The colourful fountain: a collection of Zhou Can’s prose].
1974: 给孩子们的诗 [Poems for the children]; 踪迹 (游记) [Footprints (travelogue)].
1975: 新诗评论集 (理论) [Essays on modern poetry (theory)].28
1976: 玲珑望月: 散文集 [Looking at the moon: A collection of prose]; 们的国家 () [Our country (poetry)]; 元代散曲文学研究 [Critical study of San-Chu of the Yuan Dynasty]29; 最后一个女儿: 短篇小说集 [The last daughter: A compilation of short stories].
1977: (小) [The magic mirror (novel)]; 只因为那阳光 (散文) [Because of the sun (prose)].
1978: 窗外那云 (小) [The cloud outside the window (novel)]; 满天的风筝 (散文) [A sky of kites (prose)]; 雨在门外 (小) [Rain outside the door (novel)].
1979: 剥蕉 (理) [Peeling bananas (theory)]30; 荧人 () [Firefly catcher (poetry)]; 儿女英雄 (小说改写) [Tales of heroes and heroines (novel, adaptation)]; 江南江北 (散文) [Jiang Nan Jiang Bei (prose)].
1980: 昆虫儿歌集 [Nursery rhymes of insects]; 莲树下 (散文) [Beneath the durian tree (prose)]; 鸟儿歌集 [Nursery rhymes of birds]; 动物儿歌集 [Nursery rhymes of little animals]; 乌鸦和哥烈多鸟: 菲律宾民间故事 [The crow and the coleto: Folktales from the Philippines]31; 兽儿歌集 [Animal nursery rhymes]; 义故事 (小说改写) [Stories of loyalty (novel, adaptation)]; Burung gagak dan burung koleto: Cerita dongeng dari Filipina [The crow and the coleto: Folktales from the Philippines]32; The crow and the coleto: Folktales from the Philippines.33
1981: 白雪公主 [Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs]; 丑小 [The ugly duckling]; 大拇指 [The thumb]; 东东搬家 [Dong Dong moves house]; 东和老祖母 [Dong Dong and his old grandmother]; 东东和沙爹小贩 [Dong Dong and the satay hawker]; 东东和太空人 [Dong Dong and the astronaut]; 东东恋爱了 [Dong Dong falls in love]; 东东上学记 [Dong Dong goes to school]; 东东是小英雄 [Dong Dong is a little hero]; 东东玩捉迷藏 [Dong Dong plays hide-and-seek]; 东东做了爸爸 [Dong Dong becomes a father]; 公主和豌豆 [The princess and the pea]; 红母鸡 [The red hen]; 灰姑娘 [Cinderella]; 狼和七只小羊 [The wolf and the seven little lambs]; 术豆 [Jack and the beanstalk]; 三只小猪 [The three little pigs]; 太空老鼠东东 [Space mouse Dong Dong].

1982: 绿窗读书录 (理论) [The days of studying (theory)]; 著名神话选 [Famous legends].
1983: 块文章 (杂文) [The square-tiled literary work (prose)].
1985: 夺魂铃: 说集 [The killer bell: A collection of Zhou Can’s novels]; 兰河传 (小说改写) [A biography of the Hulan River (novel, adaptation)].34
1988: 白痴的灯笼: 周粲小品 [The stupid lantern: Zhou Can’s prose]; 语故事精选 [A collection of Chinese idiom stories]35; 都市的脸: 散文集 [Faces of the city: a collection of prose]; 恶魔之夜: 微型小 [The devil’s night: A collection of mini-novels]; 金色的海螺 [The golden conch]36; 乐王子 [The happy prince]37; 妈妈的手 [The hands of my mother]; 时光隧道: 周粲诗集 [Time tunnel: A collection of Zhou Can’s poetry]; 死亡的脚印 [The footprints of death].
1989: 螺旋梯 (散文) [The spiral staircase (prose)]; 摩登逃难记 (游记) [A modern escape (travelogue)].
1990: 迷路的童年 (散文) [The lost childhood (prose)]; 抢劫 [Robbery]; 收藏风景: 小品文集 [Collecting sceneries: A compilation of prose].
1991: 磁化人: 杂文集 [The magnetic individual: A collection of prose]; 书林小品: 小品文 [Shu lin xiao pin: A prose collection]; 掌声响起 (小品) [The sound of applause (prose)]; 制造春天 (小品) [Creating spring (prose)].
1992: 枫在燃烧 (散文) [The burning maple leaf (prose)]; 会叫的水 [The water-bottle that spoke]; 喷泉 [Fountain]; 葡萄这一家 [The grape family]; 小溪水 [The little river]; 鸭子溜冰 [The ice-skating duck];周粲散文选 (散文) [A compilation of Zhou Can’s prose].
1993: 山中岁月: 周粲诗集 [The days in the mountains: A collection of Zhou Can’s poems]; 落叶季 (小品) [The season of falling leaves (prose)].
1994: 生而为一棵树: 散文集 [Born as a tree: A collection of prose]; 万花筒: 微型小说 [A kaleidoscope of mini-novels].
1995: 周粲文集 [A collection of Zhou Can’s works].
1996: 鸟儿说法 () [Words of birds (poetry)].
2000: 沉默族: 微型小说集 [The silent group: A collection of mini-novels]; 东东 [Dong Dong]; 东东和朋友 [Dong Dong and his friends]; 李光耀传记 [A biography of Lee Kwan Yew].38
2002: 诗选 () [Short poems by Zhou Can (poetry)].
2003: 夜车: 微型小说集 [The night vehicle: A compilation of mini-novels].
2004: 微型小 [A collection of Zhou Can’s mini-novels].
2009: 青春 [Youth].
2011: 雨在梦的边缘落着 () [Rain falling on the edge of a dream]; 书林小品 [Literary pieces]; 长沟流月去无声(散文) [The silent flow of the river in the moonlight].
2012: 小品文选100 [A collection of 100 essays by Zhou Can]; 诗歌150 [A collection of 150 poems by Zhou Can]; 诗歌200 [A collection of 200 poems by Zhou Can]; 散文60 [60 pieces of prose by Zhou Can]; 小品文240 () [A collection of 240 essays by Zhou Can (Part 1)]; 小品文240 () [A collection of 240 essays by Zhou Can (Part 2)]; 网络文学300 [A collection of 300 essays by Zhou Can, written for the Internet]; 妈妈不让你长大 (小说) [Mom will not let you grow up (novel)]; 小说选100 [100 novelettes by Zhou Can]; 小诗300 [300 short poems by Zhou Can].
2013: 阅读蚯蚓的秘密 () [Reading the earthworm’s secrets (poems)]; 餐桌无战事: 小说选集 [No fights over the dinner table: A collection of flash fiction by Zhou Can].
2013–2014: 咖啡喝到一半 [Halfway through coffee].
2015: 酸杨桃树外传: 粲闪小说选集 2 [Stories from the sour carambola tree: A collection of flash fiction by Zhou Can 2]; 魔术师: 周爷爷童诗选集第 [The magician: A collection of children’s poetry by Zhou Can (volume 1)]; 等月亮: 周爷爷童诗选集第二册 [Waiting for the moon: A collection of children’s poetry by Zhou Can (volume 2)]; 炮弹树: 周爷爷童诗选集第三册 [The calabash tree: A collection of children’s poetry by Zhou Can (volume 3)].

National Book Development Council of Singapore Book Prize (Children’s and Youth Literature), for Poems for Children.39

1980: National Book Development Council of Singapore Book Prize (Poetry), for Firefly Catcher.40
1990: Cultural Medallion (Literature), National Arts Council, Singapore.41

1995: Singapore Chinese Literature Award.42


Tan Chee Lay

1. 赖世和 [Lai, S. H.]. (2004). 《新加坡华文微型小说史》[A history of Singaporean Chinese mini-novels]. 新加坡: 玲子传媒, pp. 35–29. (Call no.: Chinese RSING C813.4009 LSH)
2. 周粲 [Zhou, C.]. (2016). 关于作者. Retrieved 2016, May 25 from周粲书桌 website:; 王润华等. (主编) [Wang, R. H., et al. (Eds.).]. (2015). 《新加坡华文文学五十年》[Fifty years of Chinese literature in Singapore]. 新加坡: 八方文化创作室, p. 293. (Call no.: Chinese RSING C810.09 XJP)
3. 赖世和 [Lai, S. H.]. (2004). 《新加坡华文微型小说史》[A history of Singaporean Chinese mini-novels]. 新加坡: 玲子传媒, p. 35. (Call no.: Chinese RSING C813.4009 LSH)
4. 赖世和 [Lai, S. H.]. (2004). 《新加坡华文微型小说史》[A history of Singaporean Chinese mini-novels]. 新加坡: 玲子传媒, p. 35. (Call no.: Chinese RSING C813.4009 LSH); 骆明等. (编辑) [Luo, M., et al. (Eds.).]. (2005). 《新华作家传略》[Biographies of Singaporean Chinese authors]. 新加坡: 新加坡文艺协会, p. 261. (Call no.: Chinese RSING C810.092 XHZ)
5. Tan, B. H. (1991, April 2). Untiring poet. The Straits Times, p. 5. Retrieved from NewspaperSG; 骆明等. (编辑) [Luo, M., et al. (Eds.).]. (1994). 《新华作家传略》[Biographies of Singaporean Chinese authors]. 新加坡: 新加坡文艺协会, p. 261. (Call no.: Chinese RSING C810.092 XHZ)
6. 符和水, 李选楼等 [Fu, H. S., & Li, X. L., et al.]. (2004). 《新马华文作家作品论集 (下)》 [A survey of works by Singaporean and Malaysian writers (Part 2)]. 新加坡: 新加坡文艺协会, p. 651. (Call no.: Chinese RSING C810.09 XMH); 周粲 [Zhou, C.]. (2016). 关于作者. Retrieved 2016, May 25 from周粲书桌 website:
7. 赖世和 [Lai, S. H.]. (2004). 《新加坡华文微型小说史》[A history of Singaporean Chinese mini-novels]. 新加坡: 玲子传媒, p. 35. (Call no.: Chinese RSING C813.4009 LSH); 周粲. [Zhou, C.]. (2016). 关于作者. Retrieved 2016, May 25 from 周粲书桌 website:; Tan, B. H. (1991, April 2). Untiring poet. The Straits Times, p. 5. Retrieved from NewspaperSG.
8. 骆明等. (编辑) [Luo, M., et al. (Eds.).]. (2005). 《新华作家传略》[Biographies of Singaporean Chinese authors]. 新加坡: 新加坡文艺协会, p. 465. (Call no.: Chinese RSING C810.092 XHZ); 周粲 [Zhou, C.]. (2016). 关于作者. Retrieved 2016, May 25 from 周粲书桌 website:
9. 骆明等. (编辑) [Luo, M., et al. (Eds.).]. (2005). 《新华作家传略》[Biographies of Singaporean Chinese authors]. 新加坡: 新加坡文艺协会, p. 261. (Call no.: Chinese RSING C810.092 XHZ)
10. 赖世和 [Lai, S. H.]. (2004). 《新加坡华文微型小说史》[A history of Singaporean Chinese mini-novels]. 新加坡: 玲子传媒, p. 35. (Call no.: Chinese RSING C813.4009 LSH)
11. 符和水, 李选楼等 [Fu, H. S., & Li, X. L., et al.]. (2004). 《新马华文作家作品论集 (下)》[A survey of works by Singaporean and Malaysian writers (Part 2)]. 新加坡: 新加坡文艺协会, p. 651. (Call no.: Chinese RSING C810.09 XMH); 赖世和 [Lai, S. H.]. (2004). 《新加坡华文微型小说史》[A history of Singaporean Chinese mini-novels]. 新加坡: 玲子传媒, p. 35. (Call no.: Chinese RSING C813.4009 LSH)
12. 黄孟文. (主编) [Huang, M. W. (Ed.).]. (1995). 《东南亚华文文学大系. 新加坡卷》[Southeast Asian Chinese literature series. Singapore]. 厦门: 鹭江出版社, pp. 197–199. (Call no.: Chinese RSING C810.08 DNY)
13. 赖世和 [Lai, S. H.]. (2004). 《新加坡华文微型小说史》[A history of Singaporean Chinese mini-novels]. 新加坡: 玲子传媒, p. 35. (Call no.: Chinese RSING C813.4009 LSH)
14. 符和水, 李选楼等 [Fu, H. S., & Li, X. L., et al.]. (2004). 《新马华文作家作品论集 (下)》[A survey of works by Singaporean and Malaysian writers (Part 2)]. 新加坡: 新加坡文艺协会, p. 665. (Call no.: Chinese RSING C810.09 XMH)
15. 王润华等. (主编) [Wang, R. H., et al. (Eds.).]. (2015). 《新加坡华文文学五十年》[Fifty years of Chinese literature in Singapore]. 新加坡: 八方文化创作室, p. 296. (Call no.: Chinese RSING C810.09 XJP)
16. 符和水, 李选楼等 [Fu, H. S., & Li, X. L., et al.]. (2004). 《新马华文作家作品论集 (下)》[A survey of works by Singaporean and Malaysian writers (Part 2)]. 新加坡: 新加坡文艺协会, p. 665. (Call no.: Chinese RSING C810.09 XMH)
17. 周粲 [Zhou, C.]. (2003). 《夜车: 微型小说集》[The night vehicle: A compilation of mini-novels]. 新加坡: 创意圈工作室, pp.154–156. (Call no: Chinese RSING C813.4 ZC)
18. 符和水, 李选楼等 [Fu, H. S., & Li, X. L., et al.]. (2004). 《新马华文作家作品论集 (下)》[A survey of works by Singaporean and Malaysian writers (Part 2)]. 新加坡: 新加坡文艺协会, pp. 645, 665–667. (Call no.: Chinese RSING C810.09 XMH)
19.王润华等. (主编) [Wang, R. H., et al. (Eds.).]. (2015). 《新加坡华文文学五十年》[Fifty years of Chinese literature in Singapore]. 新加坡: 八方文化创作室, pp. 293–297. (Call no.: Chinese RSING C810.09 XJP)
20. 符和水, 李选楼等 [Fu, H. S., & Li, X. L., et al.]. (2004). 《新马华文作家作品论集 (下)》[A survey of works by Singaporean and Malaysian writers (Part 2)]. 新加坡: 新加坡文艺协会, p. 652. (Call no.: Chinese RSING C810.09 XMH); 骆明等. (编辑) [Luo, M., et al. (Eds.).]. (2005). 《新华作家传略》[Biographies of Singaporean Chinese authors]. 新加坡: 新加坡文艺协会, p. 261. (Call no.: Chinese RSING C810.092 XHZ)
21. Zhou, G. C. (1980). 《乌鸦和哥烈多鸟: 菲律宾民间故事》[The crow and the coleto: Folktales from the Philippines]. 新加坡: Cai Yi Chu Ban Gong Si. (Call no.: Chinese JRSING 398.209599 CKC-[FOL])
22. Tan, B. H. (1991, April 2). Untiring poet. The Straits Times, p. 5. Retrieved from NewspaperSG.
23. 黄孟文. (主编) [Huang, M. W. (Ed.).]. (1995). 《东南亚华文文学大系. 新加坡卷》[Southeast Asian Chinese literature series. Singapore]. 厦门: 鹭江出版社, pp. 197–199. (Call no.: Chinese RSING C810.08 DNY)
24. 黄孟文. (主编) [Huang, M. W. (Ed.).]. (1995). 《东南亚华文文学大系. 新加坡卷》[Southeast Asian Chinese literature series. Singapore]. 厦门: 鹭江出版社, pp. 197–199. (Call no.: Chinese RSING C810.08 DNY)
25. 周国灿 [Zhou, G. C.]. (1965). 《宋词赏析》[Appreciation of Song Dynasty lyrics]. 九龙: 三育图书文具. (Call no.: Chinese RCLOS C811.3004 ZGC)
26. 黄孟文. (主编) [Huang, M. W. (Ed.).]. (1995). 《东南亚华文文学大系. 新加坡卷》[Southeast Asian Chinese literature series. Singapore]. 厦门: 鹭江出版社, pp. 197–199. (Call no.: Chinese RSING C810.08 DNY)
27. 黄孟文. (主编) [Huang, M. W. (Ed.).]. (1995). 《东南亚华文文学大系. 新加坡卷》[Southeast Asian Chinese literature series. Singapore]. 厦门: 鹭江出版社, pp. 197–199. (Call no.: Chinese RSING C810.08 DNY)
28. 周粲 [Zhou, C.]. (1975). 《新诗评论集》[Poetry commentaries]. 新加坡: Jiao yu chu ban she. (Call no.: Chinese RSING C811.5004 ZC)
29. 黄孟文. (主编) [Huang, M. W. (Ed.).]. (1995). 《东南亚华文文学大系. 新加坡卷》[Southeast Asian Chinese literature series. Singapore]. 厦门: 鹭江出版社, pp. 197–199. (Call no.: Chinese RSING C810.08 DNY)
30. 黄孟文. (主编) [Huang, M. W. (Ed.).]. (1995). 《东南亚华文文学大系. 新加坡卷》[Southeast Asian Chinese literature series. Singapore]. 厦门: 鹭江出版社, pp. 197–199. (Call no.: Chinese RSING C810.08 DNY)
31. 周国灿 [Zhou, G. C.]. (1980). 《乌鸦和哥烈多鸟: 菲律宾民间故事》[The crow and the coleto: Folktales from the Philippines]. 新加坡: Cai Yi Chu Ban Gong Si. (Call no.: Chinese JRSING 398.209599 CKC-[FOL])
32. Chew, K. C. (1980). Burung gagak dan burung koleto: Cerita dongeng dari Filipina [The crow and the coleto: Folktales from the Philippines]. Singapura: Spectrum Pub. dan Toppan. (Call no.: Malay RCLOS 398.209599 CHE)
33. Chew, K. C. (1980). The crow and the coleto: Folktale from Philippines (B. H. Goh, Trans.). 新加坡: Spectrum Pub. in association with Toppan. (Call no.: RACL 398.209599 CHE-[FOL])
34. 黄孟文. (主编) [Huang, M. W. (Ed.).]. (1995). 《东南亚华文文学大系. 新加坡卷》[Southeast Asian Chinese literature series. Singapore]. 厦门: 鹭江出版社, pp. 197–199. (Call no.: Chinese RSING C810.08 DNY)
35. 周粲 [Zhou, C.]. (1988). 《成语故事精选》[A collection of Chinese idiom stories]. 新加坡: 泛太平洋书业. (Call no.: Chinese JRSING 398.9951 ZC)
36. 周粲 [Zhou, C.]. (1988). 《金色的海螺》[The golden sea-shell]. 新加坡: 泛太平洋书业. (Call no.: Chinese JRSING 398.2 ZC-[FOL])
37. 周粲 [Zhou, C.]. (1988). 《快乐王子》[The happy prince]. 新加坡: 泛太平洋书业. Available via PublicationSG.
38. 周国灿 [Zhou, G. C.]. (2000). 《李光耀传记》[A biography of Lee Kwan Yew]. Singapore: Times Media. (Call no.: Chinese RSING 959.57 ZGC-[HIS])
39. 符和水, 李选楼等 [Fu, H. S., & Li, X. L., et al.]. (2004). 《新马华文作家作品论集 (下)》[A survey of works by Singaporean and Malaysian writers (Part 2)]. 新加坡: 新加坡文艺协会, p. 652. (Call no.: Chinese RSING C810.09 XMH); 骆明等. (编辑) [Luo, M., et al. (Eds.).]. (2005). 《新华作家传略》[Biographies of Singaporean Chinese authors]. 新加坡: 新加坡文艺协会, p. 261. (Call no.: Chinese RSING C810.092 XH)
40. 骆明等. (编辑) [Luo, M., et al. (Eds.).]. (2005). 《新华作家传略》[Biographies of Singaporean Chinese authors]. 新加坡: 新加坡文艺协会, p. 261. (Call no.: Chinese RSING C810.092 XH); 符和水, 李选楼等 [Fu, H. S., & Li, X. L., et al.]. (2004). 《新马华文作家作品论集 (下)》[A survey of works by Singaporean and Malaysian writers (Part 2)]. 新加坡: 新加坡文艺协会, p. 652. (Call no.: Chinese RSING C810.09 XMH)
41. National Arts Council. (2016). NAC: Cultural Medallion. Retrieved 2016, May 26 from National Arts Council website:; 赖世和 [Lai, S. H.]. (2004). 《新加坡华文微型小说史》[A history of Singaporean Chinese mini-novels]. 新加坡: 玲子传媒, p. 35. (Call no.: Chinese RSING C813.4009 LSH)
42. 骆明等. (编辑) [Luo, M., et al. (Eds.).]. (2005). 《新华作家传略》[Biographies of Singaporean Chinese authors]. 新加坡: 新加坡文艺协会, p. 465. (Call no.: Chinese RSING C810.092 XH)

The information in this article is valid as at 2010 and correct as far as we are able to ascertain from our sources. It is not intended to be an exhaustive or complete history of the subject. Please contact the Library for further reading materials on the topic.


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