Wong Yoon Wah

Singapore Infopedia

by Tan, Chee Lay

Wong Yoon Wah (b. 13 August 1941, Perak, Malaysia–) is one of the few Singaporeans who excel as an international poet, critic and scholar.1 Prolific in both creative and academic writing, Wong has published more than 20 collections of prose, poetry, and academic writings on Chinese and comparative literature in Chinese and English.2 For his commitment to promoting literature regionally, Wong was awarded the Southeast Asia Write Award (1984), the Cultural Medallion (1986), and the ASEAN Cultural Award (1993).3

Education and career
Born in Malaysia in 1941, Wong studied English literature at Taiwan's National Chengchi University, before pursuing his Doctor of Philosophy degree in Chinese literature at the University of Wisconsin in Madison, USA.4 Following the completion of his doctoral studies, he came to Singapore in 1973 to teach at Nanyang University, and later became the head of the Department of Chinese Studies at the National University of Singapore (NUS).

In 2002, Wong was appointed Dean of the College of Humanities and Social Sciences at Taiwan's Yuan Ze University, where he had served as the university's Faculty Professor of Chinese Language and Literature as well as Director of International Language and Culture Centre. He is currently Chair Professor and Senior Vice President of Malaysia’s Southern University College.6

1966: Bachelor of Arts, National Chengchi University, Taiwan.

1969: Masters of Arts, University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA.
1972: Doctor of Philosophy, University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA.

1972: Research Associate, University of Iowa, USA.
1973: Lecturer, Department of Chinese Language and Literature, Nanyang University, Singapore.
1977: Acting Director/Director, Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences, Nanyang University.
1979: Lecturer, Department of Chinese Studies, NUS.
1981: Senior Lecturer, Department of Chinese Studies, NUS.
1983–85: Sub-Dean, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, NUS.
1990: Associate Professor, Department of Chinese Studies, NUS.
1996: Deputy Director, Centre for the Arts, NUS.
2000: Professor and Head, Department of Chinese Studies, NUS.
Nov 2002–Jul 2005: Dean, College of Humanities and Social Sciences, Yuan Ze University, Taiwan.
Nov 2002–August 2006: Professor/Chairman, Department of Chinese Linguistics and Language/Dept of Applied Chinese, Yuan Ze University.
2006: Faculty Professor of Chinese Language and Literature and
Director of International Language and Culture Centre, College of Humanities and Social Sciences, Yuan Ze University.

Published works

1965: 异乡人(翻译)Yi Xiang Ren (Translation).
1966: 夜夜在墓影下Ye Ye Zai Mu Ying Xia. 

1966: 患病的太阳Huan Bing De Tai Yang.
1966: 大哉盖世比(翻译)Da Zai Gai Shi Bi (Translation).

1970: 高潮Gao Chao. 
1970: 黑暗的 Hei An De Xin. 
1977: Ssu-K'ung Tu: A Poet-Critic of the T'ang.
1978: 内外集Nei Wai Ji.
1978: 中西文学关系研究Zhong Xi Wen Xue Guan Xi Yan Jiu.
1979: 比较西方理论学(翻译)Bi Jiao Xi Fang Li Lun Xue (Translation).
1980: 橡胶树Xiang Jiao Shu. 

1981: 南洋乡土集Nan Yang Xiang Tu Ji. 
1983: 新华文学作品集 Xin Hua We Xue Zuo Pin Ji.
1984: Beyond Symbols. 

1985: 亚细安文学作品选(第一辑:诗)Anthology of ASEAN Literatures (Vol 1: Poetry).
1986: 王润华自选集Wang Run Hua Zi Xuan Ji. 
1987: 世界中文小说选Shi Jie Zhong Wen Xiao Shuo Xuan.
1988: 山水诗Shan Shui Shi. 
1988: 秋叶行Qiu Ye Xing. 
1988: Essays on Chinese Literature: A Comparative Approach.
1989: 司空图新论Si Kong Tu Xin Lun.

1989: 从司空图到沈从文Cong Si Kong Tu Dao Shen Cong Wen.
1989: 亚细安文学作品选Anthology of ASEAN Literatures. 
1989: 东南亚华文文学Dong Nan Ya Hua Wen Wen Xue.
1992: 鲁迅小说新论Lu Xun Xiao Shuo Xin Lun.
1994: 从新华文学到世界华文文学Cong Xin Hua Wen Xue Dao Shi Jie Hua Wen Wen Xue.
1995: 老舍小说新论Lao She Xiao Shuo Xin Lun.

1995: 把黑夜带回家Ba Hei Ye Dai Hui Jia.
1995: 王润华文集Wang Run Hua.
1995: Journeys: Words, Home and Nation: Anthology of Singapore Poetry.
1996: 马华文学新成就新方向 Ma Hua Wen Xue Xin Cheng Jiu Xin Fang Xiang.
1996: 世界微型小说论Shi Jie Wei Xing Xiao Shuo Lun.
1998: 沈从文小说理论与作品新论Shen Cong Wen Xiao Shuo Li Lun Yu Zuo Pin Xin Lun.

2000: 地球春神话Di Qiu Cun Shen Hua.
2000: 热带雨林与殖民地Re Dai Yu Lin Yu Zhi Min Di.
2002: Post-Colonial Chinese literatures in Singapore and Malaysia.
2003: 榴莲之味Liu Lian Zi Wei (prose & poetry).
2004: 越界跨国文学解读Yue Jie Kua Guo Wen Xue Jie Du.
2004: 亚洲的绿Ya Zhou De Lü.
2006: 鲁迅越界跨国新解读Lu Xun Yue Jie Kua Guo Xin Jie Du.
2007: 鱼尾狮,榴莲,铁船与橡胶树 Yu Wei Shi, Liu Lian, Tie Chuan Yu Xiang Jiao Shu.
2008: 胡说草:周策从新诗全集 Hu Shuo Cao: Zhou Ce Cong Xin Shi Quan Ji.
2009: 王维诗学Wang Wei Shi Xue.
2010: 周策从之汉学研究新典范Zhou Ce Cong Zhi Han Xue Yan Jiu Xin Dian Fan.
2010: 卢飞白诗文集 Lu Fei Bai Shi Wen Ji.
2010: 海外新超诗Hai Wai Xin Chao Shi.
2010: 王润华诗精选集Wang Run Hua Shi Jing Xuan Ji.
2011: 上海太阳岛现代诗选Shang Hai Tai Yang Dao Xian Dai Shi Xuan.10
2014: 重返诗抄Chong Fan Shi Chao.11
2015: 新加坡华文文学五十年 Xin Jia Po Hua Wen Wen Xue Wu Shi Nian.12

Awards and honours13
1975: Epoch Poetry Award, Taiwan.

1981: Chinas Times Literary Award, Taiwan.
1981: Zhong Xing Literary Award, Taiwan Writers and Artists Association.
1984: Southeast Asia Write Award, Bangkok, Thailand.
1985 & 1996: Honorary Fellow, International Writing Programme, University of Iowa, USA.
1986: Cultural Medallion (Literature), National Arts Council, Singapore.
1993: ASEAN Cultural Award (Literature).

Other art related activities14
1984–89, 1998–2009: President, Singapore Association of Writers.
1986–2002: Member of Arts Advisor Panel, National Arts Council, Singapore.
1986–2003: Vice Chairman, Singapore National Selection Committee, Southeast Asian Write Award (Bangkok).
1989–2002: Editorial Advisor, Chinese Culture, Beijing, China.
1997–present: Vice Chairman, Asian Chinese Writers Association.
2002: Adjudicator, 7th Malaysia Chinese Literary Award, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
2002–04: Advisor, World Chinese Mini-Fiction Research Association.

Tan Chee Lay

1. The Esplanade Co Ltd. (2018). Wong Yoon Wah. Retrieved 2018, April 2 from Esplanade Theatres on the Bay website: http://www.esplanade.com/tributesg/literary-arts/wong-yoon-wah
2. Southern University College. (2013, March). President office. Retrieved 2018, April 2 from Southern University College website: http://www.southern.edu.my/chinese/administration/wongvitae.html
3. Nanda, A. (2012, June 4). Village boy tells all. The Straits Times, p. 5. Retrieved from NewspaperSG; Southern University College. (2013, March). President office. Retrieved 2018, April 2 from Southern University College website: http://www.southern.edu.my/chinese/administration/wongvitae.html
4. National University of Singapore. (2008, September 18). 王润华 [Wong Woon Wah]. Retrieved 2018, April 2 from National University of Singapore Libraries website: http://www.lib.nus.edu.sg/chz/chineseoverseas/oc_wangrh.htm
5. National University of Singapore. (2008, September 18). 王润华 [Wong Woon Wah]. Retrieved 2018, April 2 from National University of Singapore Libraries website: http://www.lib.nus.edu.sg/chz/chineseoverseas/oc_wangrh.htm; Southern University College. (2013, March). President office. Retrieved 2018, April 2 from Southern University College website: http://www.southern.edu.my/chinese/administration/wongvitae.html
6. Southern University College. (2013, March). President office. Retrieved 2018, April 2 from Southern University College website: http://www.southern.edu.my/chinese/administration/wongvitae.html
7. National University of Singapore. (2008, September 18). 王润华 (Wong Woon Wah). Retrieved 2018, April 2 from National University of Singapore Libraries website: http://www.lib.nus.edu.sg/chz/chineseoverseas/oc_wangrh.htm; Southern University College. (2013, March). President office. Retrieved 2018, April 2 from Southern University College website: http://www.southern.edu.my/administration/wongvitae.html
8. The Esplanade Co Ltd. (2018). Wong Yoon Wah. Retrieved 2018, April 2 from Esplanade Theatres on the Bay website: http://www.esplanade.com/tributesg/literary-arts/wong-yoon-wah; Southern University College. (2015). President office. Retrieved 2018, March 13 from Southern University College website: http://www.southern.edu.my/chinese/administration/wongvitae.htm
9. 王润华. (2010). 王润华诗精选集 [Wang Run Hua Shi Jing Xuan Ji]. 台北 : 新地文化艺术公司, pp. 304–306. (Call no.: Chinese RSING C811.5 WYW)
10. 王润华, 陈逢坤. (2011). 上海太阳岛现代诗选 [Shanghai Sun Island modern poetry]. 新加坡: 新加坡作家协会. (Call no.: Chinese RSING C811.5 SHA)
11. 王润华. (2014). 重返诗钞 [A journey of return]. 柔佛: 南方大学学院. (Call no.: Chinese RSING C811.5 WYW)
12. 王润华., et al. (2015). 新加坡华文文学五十年 [Xin Jia Po Hua Wen Wen Xue Wu Shi Nian]. 新加坡: 八方文化创作室. (Call no.: Chinese RSING C810.09 XJP)
13. The Esplanade Co Ltd. (2018). Wong Yoon Wah. Retrieved 2018, April 2 from Esplanade Theatres on the Bay website:

http://www.esplanade.com/tributesg/literary-arts/wong-yoon-wah; Southern University College. (2015). President office. Retrieved 2018, March 13 from Southern University College website: http://www.southern.edu.my/chinese/administration/wongvitae.htm
14. The Esplanade Co Ltd. (2018). Wong Yoon Wah. Retrieved 2018, April 2 from Esplanade Theatres on the Bay website:

The information in this article is valid as at 2018 and correct as far as we are able to ascertain from our sources.  It is not intended to be an exhaustive or complete history of the subject.  Please contact the Library for further reading materials on the topic.

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