Minister S Iswaran,
Prof Cham Tao Soon,
Distinguished guests,
Ladies and gentlemen,
Good evening,
NLB’s journey to this award is based on our belief in community-inspired innovation.
Working with the people who use our libraries, our volunteers and community partners gave us many of the productive ideas that led us to this award.
We learnt that we innovate best through creating an inclusive environment, and a sense of common ownership between ourselves and those we serve.
As a community space for reading, libraries often bring together people from different backgrounds who aspire to learn, and to help others who want to learn.
This desire to create something good and pass it on, is part of the NLB culture that permeates staff, volunteers and our community partners. Through working with others, we achieve even more. I would like to thank my colleagues, our volunteers and library patrons for making this award possible.
My colleagues and I are deeply grateful to the SQA Governing Council for recognising our brand of citizen-centric innovation. We will continue to find creative ways to inspire people to read.