Getting Started with Artificial Intelligence


by LearnX Digital

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Heard about Artificial Intelligence, or AI, and want to learn more? There’s no better time than to start today! Check out these videos to begin your journey into AI.


What is Artificial Intelligence? (3 min)

Learn about Artificial Intelligence and some examples of what it can do in this quick introduction video!

Source: Smile and Learn – English. (2024, February 23). ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE FOR KIDS 🧠🤖 What is Artificial Intelligence? [Video]. Youtube.


What Cake Can Teach Us About Artificial Intelligence (5 min)

In this video, dive into how Artificial Intelligence learns to do things like humans, using the example of baking a cake! Yummy!

Source: CBC Kids News. (2023, June 20). What cake can teach us about artificial intelligence | CBC Kids News [Video]. Youtube.


5 Tips for Talking to Your Kids About Generative AI (2 min)

Anxious about how your children may interact with Artificial Intelligence? Kickstart a conversation at home with the tips shared in this short video for parents.

Source: Common Sense Media for Families. (2023, July 20). 5 Tips for Talking to Your Kids About Generative AI [Video]. Youtube.