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Discover more about Singapore’s history through these resources from the National Library and National Archives of Singapore.

  • Other Resources

    Singapore Infopedia
    An electronic encyclopaedia on Singapore history, culture, and people written by researchers and librarians.

    Archives Online
    The National Archives of Singapore (NAS) collects and preserves public and private records across different formats. These include government files, audiovisual recordings, oral history interviews, photographs, speeches and press releases, posters, maps, building plans, records from overseas institutions and the Straits Settlements Records, Federated Malay States & other volumes. Find all of these at Archives Online, a rich and important resource for learning about Singapore!

    Blast from the Past
    Enjoy an introduction to NAS collections such as photographs, oral history interviews, audiovisual content and declassified government files as we explore Singapore’s past through themes such as food, sports, war history and fashion.

    Off the Record
    You can find archivist articles which are written in an inviting, casual but balanced tone that can be playful but is factually accurate and is properly cited.

    Audiovisual Recordings
    Watch snippets of audiovisual recordings that are of national and historical significance on Archives Online. These recordings serves as valuable research resources on Singapore and takes you back in time.

    Oral History Interviews
    Want to listen to the life stories and eye witness accounts of individuals who had influenced or witnessed the history of Singapore? Access our rich oral history recordings on Archives Online to listen to experts and read transcripts of these interviews.

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