Mushroom boys / LaSalle College of the Arts, Puttnam School of Film & Animation presents ; directed by Lin Youwei Eric.

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Information About

"Asian Film Archive, a subsidiary of the National Library Board"--Disc surface. IMDA: G. Producer, Lin Youwei Eric, G Praveena; director of photography, Lin Youwei Eric, Axel Toh; editor, Chok Shu Ying, Lin Youwei Eric. Featuring: Quek Hong An, Ryan Lim, Mark Lim, Mick Sim, Lennard Ong. In English with English subtitles.

Mushroom boys / LaSalle College of the Arts, Puttnam School of Film & Animation presents ; directed by Lin Youwei Eric.
Lin, Youwei Eric, film director, film producer, cinematographer, film editor.
Video Recording
Five boys with down syndrome begin working at a mushroom farm, in a project aiming to provide jobs in supportive environments to those with intellectual disabilites. The documentary explores their brotherly relationships as they learn to farm and cook together.
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