The next wave of original Singapore Musicals Five Foot Broadway March 2006 : . The Swami, the Cow & the Spacemen, 24 Mar 2006, The Arts House, Play Den / presented by Musical Theatre Limited ; written and directed by Musa Fazal ; music by Sean Wong.

Video Recording

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Information About

Title from disc label. "This recording is collected as part of the Arts Alive Project - an initiative by the National Library Board Singapore to collect Singapore's performing arts in theatre, dance and music"--Back of container. "Reproduced with permission for archival/reference purposes only"--Disc label. "Produced by: Musical Theatre Limited."--Container. Recorded on 24 March 2006 at The Arts House, Play Den. Unrated. In English.

The next wave of original Singapore Musicals Five Foot Broadway March 2006 : . The Swami, the Cow & the Spacemen, 24 Mar 2006, The Arts House, Play Den / presented by Musical Theatre Limited ; written and directed by Musa Fazal ; music by Sean Wong.
Musa Fazal, screenwriter, director.
Video Recording
Some say the Americans never landed on the moon in 1969. We saw the spaceships take off, but if it didn't reach the moon, where did it go? What if it landed somewhere else, the way Columbus ended in America, when he meant to go to India? What if it crashed on a mountain top far, far, away, in a land inhabited only by a quirky religious mystic and his talking cow?. .
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