Speed Racer, the next generation. The beginning / Lions Gate presents an Animation Collective production in association with Lionsgate and Speed Racer Enterprises, Inc. ; created by Larry Schwarz ; produced by David McGrath, Amy Ackerman ; written by Justin Gray, James Palmioti ; directed by Stephen Moverley.

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4x3 full screen version, 5.1 Dolby Ditial. Based on the original Speed racer series owned by Speed Racer Enterprises. Inc. Special features: "The making of Speed Racer: the next generation" featurette; The virtual track racing game; "Meet the folks at the Racing Academy" featurette; trailer gallery. Originally released as episodes of the television series in 2008. Music by John Angier ; editors, Dave Killen, Lauren Krueger, Fred Udell ; art director, Donald Poynter. Kurt Csolak, Robbie Sublett, Sahra Mellesse, Peter Fernandez. In English with optional English or Spanish subtitles; closed-captioned.

Speed Racer, the next generation. The beginning / Lions Gate presents an Animation Collective production in association with Lionsgate and Speed Racer Enterprises, Inc. ; created by Larry Schwarz ; produced by David McGrath, Amy Ackerman ; written by Justin Gray, James Palmioti ; directed by Stephen Moverley.
Schwarz, Larry, creator.
Video Recording
When Speed enters the elite Racing Academy, he shifts gears for a series of futuristic adventures. Trouble follows at every turn as Speed uncovers the secrets of his identity. Not only is the legendary Speed Racer his father, but also that his top competitor, racer X, is his brother. Speed also finds the top secret plans for his racing car the Mach-6. Evil billionaire, Zile Zazic, will do everything in his power to stop Speed from discovering the remaining clues for the creation of a gasless engine.
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