Youth delinquency and me [videorecording] / directed by Pirapong See De Liang ; written by Augustine Chan Wing Kong.

Video Recording

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Supported by the Industrial & Services Co-operative Society Ltd, the Ministry of Community Development, Youth and Sports, the National Commitee on Youth Guidance and Rehabilitation, the National Youth Council and the Tote Board. It was produced and performed by volunteers from Anderson Secondary School, Catholic Junior College, Ngee Ann Polytechnic and River Valley High School. A production of SPLAT. Sheila Tan, Aishah Mohd Noor.

Youth delinquency and me [videorecording] / directed by Pirapong See De Liang ; written by Augustine Chan Wing Kong.
Tan, Sheila.
Video Recording
Youth Delinquency and Me develops an informed awareness and desire in educators and students to actively involve themselves in addressing the concerns and challenges that youths-at-risk and ex-youth offenders face, and deepens their understanding of rehabilitative processes for youth offenders. It comprises reflections by professionals involved in rehabilitative processes and ex-youth offenders. An extract adapted from the life experiences of an ex-youth offenders that highlights themes revolving around at-risk behaviour is incorporated into our DVD.
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