Title from disc surface. Originally released as a motion picture in 2004. Special features: walking in the footprints of heroes: learn about David Crockett, William Travis, Jim Bowie and Sam Houston; deleted scenes with optional commentary by John Lee Hancock; return of a legend: the making of 'The Alamo' - a behind-the-scenes look; deep in the heart of Texans. MPAA rating: PG-13; for sustained intense battle sequences. Board of Film Censors, Singapore: PG (war violence). Director of photography, Dean Semler ; editor, Eric L. Beason ; music, Carter Burwell ; costume designer, Daniel Orlandi ; production designer, Michael Corenblith. Billy Bob Thornton, Dennis Quaid, Jason Patric, Patrick Wilson, Jordi Mollá, Emilio Echevarria, Marc Blucas, Leon Rippy. English or dubbed French dialogue, with optional English, French or Spanish subtitles; closed-captioned.