Ahmad Albab / Shaw Organisation Release ; Merdeka Filem Setudio ; director, P. Ramlee ; dialogue, P. Ramlee ; screen play, A.R. Tompel ; music, P. Ramlee.

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Originally released as a motion picture in 1968. Photography, Low Yew Wah ; audio, Tan Chuan Hock ; art director, Abd. Hamid Aziz ; film editor, Johari Ibrahim. Pelakon, P. Ramlee (Syawal), Saloma (Mastura), Mariani, Minah Hashim, Jan Ismail, A.R. Tompel (Sheikh Masyhur), Kny Azman, Karim Latiff, Mimiloma, Ahmad Dadida, C.R. Bakar, Hashim Hamzah, Yusof Bujang, Shariff Baboo.

Ahmad Albab / Shaw Organisation Release ; Merdeka Filem Setudio ; director, P. Ramlee ; dialogue, P. Ramlee ; screen play, A.R. Tompel ; music, P. Ramlee.
P. Ramlee, 1928-1973, director, screenwriter, arranger of music, actor.
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Sheikh Masyhur, a wealthy merchant, is anxious about his three daughters now that they are of marriageable age. He set out to find rich husbands for two of his daughters, but for his third daughter, Mastura, who is head-strong, he married her off to a poor goat herder, Syawal. His two supposedly rich sons-in-law did not live up to his expectations. As for Syawal, his fortune took a turn for the better with the birth of his son, Ahmad Albab.
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