Visual culture 02 : a SAM exhibition in print : urban peels / editors, Khairuddin Hori & Naomi Wang.
- Title
Visual culture 02 : a SAM exhibition in print : urban peels / editors, Khairuddin Hori & Naomi Wang.
- Artist
Wang, Naomi.
- Subjects
- Language
- Type
- Abstract
Visual Culture is an exhibition in print project by SAM. This project acknowledges the rise of predominantly visual forms of media, communication and information exchange in recent years. It is an emergent field of inquiry that combines aspects of art history, cultural anthropology, critical theory, philosophy and media & performance art. The second edition explores issues of urbanity and the impact of change on perceptions of status quos. Through the specially commissioned work of local artist Djohan Johari, Visual Culture 02 is transformed into a site of active reclamation and inquiry, provoking viewers to take a second look at the cultural meanings and historical roots of our street signs.
- Year
- 2013
- Original Publisher(s)
- Digital Publisher(s)