Singapore cowboy / Pocket productions presents, in association with the Singapore Film Commission, a film by Ng Sze Kiat ; written and directed by Ng Sze Kiat ; produced by Ng Sze Kiat, Stella Teo Lu Jin.

Video Recording

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Information About

"2008-D-1279"--Disc surface. Produced with support of Singapore Film Commission. Digital copy made from MiniDV. Board of Film Censors, Singapore: PG. Director of photography, Juan Qi An ; music, Matthew and the Mandarins. Gimmy Yeo Siok Thiam, Joyce Chia Bee Hong, Sharon Yeo Jia Lin, Yeo Jia Yan, Steven Tan. In Mandarin, Hokkien and English with English subtitles.

Singapore cowboy / Pocket productions presents, in association with the Singapore Film Commission, a film by Ng Sze Kiat ; written and directed by Ng Sze Kiat ; produced by Ng Sze Kiat, Stella Teo Lu Jin.
Ng, Sze Kiat.
Video Recording
A middle-aged man deals with fears of emasculation by playing at being a cowboy. His sense of impotence increases when he is unable to prevent his parking space from being occupied by another, control his children's behaviour and stop another man from flirting with his wife. This drives him to actualise his make-believe role by attacking his rival in ways that he is only capable of.
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