You've been Trumped / Docurama Films ; an International Film Circuit release ; a Montrose Pictures presentation ; a Bell Rock production ; a film by Anthony Baxter ; directed and edited by Anthony Baxter ; produced by Richard Phinney ; written by Richard Phinney and Anthony Baxter.

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Originally released as a documentary film in 2012. Special features include: Extra footage; opening of the Trump Gold Course; Trump at the Scottish Parliament; Occupy Wall Street projects You've been trumped on Trump Tower; trailer; Bill Moyers interview with director Anthony Baxter. Music, Jónsi and Sigur Ros ; cinematography, Anthony Baxter. Donald Trump, Michael Forbes, Anthony Baxter. Closed-captioned.

You've been Trumped / Docurama Films ; an International Film Circuit release ; a Montrose Pictures presentation ; a Bell Rock production ; a film by Anthony Baxter ; directed and edited by Anthony Baxter ; produced by Richard Phinney ; written by Richard Phinney and Anthony Baxter.
Baxter, Anthony. director. screenwriter. editor of moving image work.
Video Recording
In this David and Goliath story for the 21st century, a group of proud Scottish homeowners take on a celebrity tycoon. At stake is one of Britain's very last stretches of wilderness. After the Scottish government overturns its own environmental laws to give Donald Trump the green light to build a golf resort on an untouched Scottish coastline, the stage is set for an extraordinary summer of discontent, as the bulldozers spring into action.
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