Doom Patrol: the silver age. Volume two / Arnold Drake, Bob Haney, writers ; Bruno Premiani, Bob Brown, Dick Giordano, Sal Trapani artists.
Information About
"The Doom Patrol created by Arnold Drake; Superman created by Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster" "Originally published in single magazine form in The Brave and the Bold 65, Challenges of the Unknown 48, Doom Patrol 96-107."
Doom Patrol: the silver age. Volume two / Arnold Drake, Bob Haney, writers ; Bruno Premiani, Bob Brown, Dick Giordano, Sal Trapani artists.
"Out of the Silver Age of Comics came a very different comic book team, featuring a new breed of superheroes. Cast out of society due to their deformities, the Doom Patrol were a group of misfit loners not blessed, but cursed, with unnatural powers. These human oddities--Elasti-Girl, Negative Man, Robotman and the Chief--save the world one strange case at a time."--Amazon.