罗曼蒂克消亡史 = The wasted times / 华谊兄弟电影有限公司, 英皇影业有限公司, 华谊兄弟电影国际有限公司, 海南喜悦电影有限公司出品 ; 摄制海南喜悦电影有限公司 ; 编剧导演剪接程耳. Luo man di ke xiao wang shi = The wasted times / Hua yi xiong di dian ying you xian gong si, Ying huang ying ye you xian gong si, Hua yi xiong di dian ying guo ji you xian gong si, Hainan xi yue dian ying you xian gong si chu pin ; she zhi Hainan xi yue dian ying you xian gong si ; bian ju dao yan jian jie Cheng Er.

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Board of Film Censors, Singapore: M18 (sexual scenes) 新加坡电影检查局: M18级(性相关画面) UZC5467. Director of photography, 杜杰 ; original music, 梅林茂, 郭思达. 葛优, 章子怡, 浅野忠信, 杜淳, 钟欣潼, 倪大红, 袁泉, 闫妮, 霍思燕. In Mandarin with partial Shanghai dialect; optional Chinese or English subtitles. 华语发音(部分上海方言), 中英文字幕.

罗曼蒂克消亡史 = The wasted times / 华谊兄弟电影有限公司, 英皇影业有限公司, 华谊兄弟电影国际有限公司, 海南喜悦电影有限公司出品 ; 摄制海南喜悦电影有限公司 ; 编剧导演剪接程耳. Luo man di ke xiao wang shi = The wasted times / Hua yi xiong di dian ying you xian gong si, Ying huang ying ye you xian gong si, Hua yi xiong di dian ying guo ji you xian gong si, Hainan xi yue dian ying you xian gong si chu pin ; she zhi Hainan xi yue dian ying you xian gong si ; bian ju dao yan jian jie Cheng Er.
Chen, Er, film director, screenwriter, editor.
Video Recording
Depicts events in Shanghai, Hong Kong, and the Philippines between 1934 and 1945. The central characters are a Chinese gangster, Lu (Ge You); his brother-in-law, Watabe (Tadanobu Asano), who is Japanese but describes himself as Shanghainese and a film actress, Xiao Liu (Zhang Ziyi), who is married to Lu's boss but not faithful to him. Lu is ruthless, yet unwilling to collaborate with the Japanese as they prepare to invade China. Watabe pretends to oppose the Japanese military, but secretly works for them. Assigned to spirit Xiao Liu out of the city, he instead rapes her and imprisons her as a sex slave. At the end of the war, Lu and Xiao Liu travel to Luzon, where Watabe is a POW, to have their revenge. , 20世纪30年代的上海, 战争之下, 繁华落尽. 叱咤风云的帮派大佬陆先生答应不甘寂寞的交际花小六演电影的女主角, 但是小六和男主角勾搭上被要求离开上海, 陆先生的妹夫渡部在途中把小六带回家囚禁成为性奴. 管家王妈把不苟言笑的车夫引荐给了陆先生做贴身侍卫. 淞沪战役前夕, 日本人计划把陆先生杀死, 身为间谍的渡部同意杀死陆先生, 陆先生的家人全部被杀. 陆先生委托老五和车夫, 杀掉投靠日本人的帮派二哥. 抗战结束前夕, 陆先生找到被囚禁的小六, 与她一起前往吕宋岛. 佯装成国民党高级将领的车夫, 当面杀死了渡部的大儿子, 小六同时举枪击毙渡部. 1949年, 陆先生独自一人去了香港, 从此销声匿迹.
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