捉妖记 = Monster hunt / 安乐影片有限公司[and nine others]出品 ; 出品人, 江志强, 王同元, 孙忠怀, 朱辉龙 ; 导演, 许诚毅 ; 监制, 编剧, 袁锦麟 ; 冠星娱乐有限公司制作. Zhuo yao ji = Monster hunt / An le ying pian you xian gong si [and nine others] chu pin ; chu pin ren, Jiang Zhiqiang, Wang Tongyuan, Sun Zhonghuai, Zhu Huilong ; dao yan, Xu Chengyu ; jian zhi, bian ju, Yuan Jinlin ; Guan xing yu le you xian gong si zhi zuo.

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Board of Film Censor, Singapore: PG (some violence) 新加坡电影检查局: PG级(some violence) . Cinematography, 潘耀明 ; editor, 张嘉辉 ; composer, 高世章. 白百何, 井柏然, 姜武, 金燕玲, 钟汉良, 曾志伟, 吴君如. In Cantonese or Mandarin with optional subtitles in Chinese or English. 华粤语对白, 中英文字幕.

捉妖记 = Monster hunt / 安乐影片有限公司[and nine others]出品 ; 出品人, 江志强, 王同元, 孙忠怀, 朱辉龙 ; 导演, 许诚毅 ; 监制, 编剧, 袁锦麟 ; 冠星娱乐有限公司制作. Zhuo yao ji = Monster hunt / An le ying pian you xian gong si [and nine others] chu pin ; chu pin ren, Jiang Zhiqiang, Wang Tongyuan, Sun Zhonghuai, Zhu Huilong ; dao yan, Xu Chengyu ; jian zhi, bian ju, Yuan Jinlin ; Guan xing yu le you xian gong si zhi zuo.
Xu, Chengyi, film director.
Video Recording
The monster world writhes in chaos as the dark lord plots to overthrow the throne by ordering the assassination of the pregnant monster queen, forcing her to take refuge in the human world. During the pursuit the dim-witted Tianyin is caught in the middle. In order to save the heir the dying monster queen spills her egg into Tiayin's mouth. Now a most wanted man Tiayin and the newborn monster's lives are at stake. Miraculously, rookie monster henter Xiaonan saves the day. She offers to protect Tiayin on the condition they sell the monster for a good profit. , "很久以前, 人与万物共存, 当中也包括妖. 但人想独佔天下, 于是人向妖宣战, 把他们赶进了深山大泽, 从此人和妖划界而治. 一天, 一对神祕夫妇(曾志伟, 吴君如分饰)与怀有小妖王的妖后逃到永宁村, 遇上了善良的天荫(井柏然饰)以及降妖少女, 二钱天师小岚(白百何 饰), 天荫更阴差阳错下成为「孕夫」诞下小妖王胡巴. 葛千户(钟汉良 饰)重金悬赏小妖王. 小岚为了得到赏金, 硬拉着天荫离开永宁村展开了一段奇幻旅程, 途中遭遇大押店老板娘(汤唯饰), 厨子天师(姚晨饰)等各路人物. 可爱的小妖王胡巴出生, 令天荫和小岚关係起了奇妙变化, 同时也揭发了一个重大秘密 ..."--Container.
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