Burgerburg / directed by Jennifer Chua Zi Qi ; produced by Christopher Lim Zhen Xiang, Febby Yauwanita, Jennifer Chua Zi Qi.

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Information About

"Asian Film Archive, a subsidiary of the National Library Board"--Disc surface. LaSalle College of the Arts, Puttnam School of Film & Animation. IMDA: PG. Sound designer, Jane Lai. Voices: Michael Kowalczykowski, Zi Chen, Christopher Lim Zhen Xiang, Yoni Shalom, Cameron Deangelo Johnson.

Burgerburg / directed by Jennifer Chua Zi Qi ; produced by Christopher Lim Zhen Xiang, Febby Yauwanita, Jennifer Chua Zi Qi.
Chua, Jennifer Zi Qi , film director, film producer.
Video Recording
A successful burger company prints out yet another employee. This new employee works with others just like him while the owner launches a new product - burgerpills. However, while the new employee looks just like the others, his similar exterior hides a difference that separates him from the rest.
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