On the string : 4 June 2010, Esplanade Theatre Studio / concept, direction & composition, Joyce Beetuan Koh.

Video Recording

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Information About

Recording produced as part of the Arts Alive Project, an initiative by the National Library Board Singapore, to document Singapore's performing arts theatre, dance and music. "Arts Alive Collection"--Container. "Produced with permission for archival, reference purposes only"--Disc label. Courtesy of the Singapore Arts Festival 2010. Recorded on 4 June 2010 at Esplanade Theatre Studio. Version recorded on 4 June 2010; 1 copy. . Version recorded on 5 June 2010; 2 copies. . Shane Thio, harpsichord ; Samuel Wong, pipa ; with accompanying 14 strings players. In English.

On the string : 4 June 2010, Esplanade Theatre Studio / concept, direction & composition, Joyce Beetuan Koh.
Koh, Joyce Bee Tuan, 1968-
Video Recording
"On the String is a performance about the String Theory, a speculative theory of space, matter, energy and time, based on tiny one-dimensional vibrating entities. What is we could hear the sounds of elementary particles? Or the sonic texture created by various vibration patterns of a string curving space? Or the harmonic colour sparked by string interaction? Exploring metaphorically the musical, visual and theatrical side of the teory, this is a composition where three musicians excite and manipulate a strong scupture-installation through choreographed movements"--Back of container.
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For reference viewing within EPCL only. |No copying of this material is allowed.