IMDA: PG13 (Some violence and coase language). 12. Irish film classification office. BBFC code: 15 : strong threat, brief violence. Suitable only for persons of 15 years and over. Not to be supplied to any person below that age. Casting by Douglas Aibel ; costume designer, Caroline Duncan ; music by Herdis Stefánsdóttir ; director of photography, Sayombhu Mukdeeprom ; edited by Noemi Preiswerk. Cast: Josh Hartnett, Ariel Donoghue, Saleka Night Shyamalan, Alison Pill, Hayley Mills, Jonathan Langdon, Mark Bacolcol, Marnie McPhail, Scott Mescudi, Marcia Bennett. English, Castilian, Spanish, French, German, Italian ; English, Castilian, Spanish, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Polish, subtitles ; English, German, Italian subtitles for the deaf and hard-of-hearing (SDH).