The pirates! : band of misfits / Columbia Pictures and Sony Pictures Animation present an Aardman production ; produced by Julie Lockhart, Peter Lord, David Sproxton ; screenplay by Gideon Defoe ; directed by Peter Lord.

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Originally released as a motion picture in 2012. Based upon the book "The pirates! in an adventure with scientists" by Gideon Defoe. Special features: Mr. Bobo's flash card challenge ; Filmakers commentary ; From stop to motion ; Creating the bath chase. Board of Film Censors, Singapore: PG. Director of photography, Frank Passingham ; editor, Justin Krish ; music, Theodore Shapiro ; production designer, Norman Garwood ; animation supervisor, Loyd Price ; supervising art director, Matt Perry ; visual effects supervisor, Andrew Morley ; head of story, Rejean Bordages. Hugh Grant, Martin Freeman, Imelda Staunton, David Tennant, Jeremy Piven, Salma Hayek, Lenny Henry, Brian Blessed, Anton Yelchin, Brendan Gleeson, Ashley Jensen, Al Roker, Mike Cooper, David Schneider. In English, Cantonese, Mandarin (PRC), Mandari (Taiwan), or Thai; with optional Cantonese, Chinese Simplified, Chinese Traditional, English, English SDH, Korean and Thai.

The pirates! : band of misfits / Columbia Pictures and Sony Pictures Animation present an Aardman production ; produced by Julie Lockhart, Peter Lord, David Sproxton ; screenplay by Gideon Defoe ; directed by Peter Lord.
Lord, Peter, 1953- film director, film producer.
Video Recording
After years of humiliation and failed attempts to win the Pirate of the Year Award, Pirate Captain and his oddball crew go on a race to pillage the most booty. They soon cross paths with scientist Charles Darwin, who persuades the Captain that the crew's 'parrot,' Polly, could be the answer to the riches they are searching for.
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