Emily of Emerald Hill : full dress rehearsal 10 June 2010, Victoria Theatre / Singapore Arts Festival 2010 presents ; directors, Margaret Chan & Jeremiah Choy ; producer, Jeremiah Choy ; playwright, Stella Kon.

Video Recording

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Title from title screen. Recording produced as part of the Arts Alive Project, an initiative by the National Library Board Singapore to document Singapore's performing arts theatre, dance and music. "Produced with permission for archival, reference purposes only"--Disc label. "Arts Alive Collection"--Disc label. Recorded on 10 June 2010, full dress rehearsal, at the Victoria Theatre for the National Library Board Arts Alive Collection. Board of Film Censors, Singapore: PG. Presented by Margaret Chan, National Arts Council and Orangedot Management Pte Ltd for the Singapore Arts Festival 2010. Starring Margaret Chan.

Emily of Emerald Hill : full dress rehearsal 10 June 2010, Victoria Theatre / Singapore Arts Festival 2010 presents ; directors, Margaret Chan & Jeremiah Choy ; producer, Jeremiah Choy ; playwright, Stella Kon.
Chan, Margaret.
Video Recording
"Emily of Emeral Hill is a one-woman play about a Singaporean matriarch set in the 1950's. A hallmark play written by Stella Kon, Emily opens a window into the lives of the Straits-born Chinese community caught between the tensions of the displacement of traditional Chinese values by new ideas from the West. Margaret Chan first performed Emily at the 1985 Singapore Drama Festival and made Singapore theatre history when she took the production, directed by Max Le Blond, to the Commonwealth Arts Festivals and Edinburgh Festival Fringe in 1986. Margaret reprises this iconic role 25 years later, in a farewell tribute to the grand dame of Singapore theatre, Victoria Theatre, which closes for renovations after Emily. Margaret sees the 2010 production, helmed by Jeremiah Choy, as a fitting tribute to the indomitability of Singapore theatre"--Back of container.
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