季风中的马 [videorecording] = Season of the horse / 内蒙古成吉思汗影视文化有限责任公司, 内蒙古天地通公路建设发展有限责任公司联合摄制 ; 制片人, 霍秉华, 娜仁花 ; 出品人, 编剧, 导演, 宁才. Ji feng zhong de ma [videorecording] = Season of the horse / Nei Menggu Chengjisihan ying shi wen hua you xian ze ren gong si, Nei Menggu tian di tong gong lu jian she fa zhan you xian ze ren gong si lian he she zhi ; zhi pian ren, Huo Binghua, Na Renhua ; chu pin ren, bian ju, dao yan, Ning Cai.
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原以电影形式发行. 美国夏威夷国际电影节亚洲电影最佳影片奖; 瑞士弗里堡国际电影节开幕片; 鹿特丹国际电影节、世界新潮流单元; 温哥华国际电影节龙虎单元; 罗马亚洲电影节竞赛单元; 南非开普敦国际电影节竞赛单元. 新加坡电影检查局: PG级. 摄影, 林良忠; 美术, 阿斯巴根; 音乐, 乌兰托嘎; 剪辑, 张建华. 宁才, 娜仁花, 常蓝天. In Mongolian with Chinese and English subtitles. 蒙古语对白, 中英文字幕.
季风中的马 [videorecording] = Season of the horse / 内蒙古成吉思汗影视文化有限责任公司, 内蒙古天地通公路建设发展有限责任公司联合摄制 ; 制片人, 霍秉华, 娜仁花 ; 出品人, 编剧, 导演, 宁才. Ji feng zhong de ma [videorecording] = Season of the horse / Nei Menggu Chengjisihan ying shi wen hua you xian ze ren gong si, Nei Menggu tian di tong gong lu jian she fa zhan you xian ze ren gong si lian he she zhi ; zhi pian ren, Huo Binghua, Na Renhua ; chu pin ren, bian ju, dao yan, Ning Cai.
Huo, Binghua.
Video Recording
The Mongolian herdsman--once the pound symbol of the ancient nomadic culture of the grasslands and master of a great empire ruled on horseback, finds himself these days locked in a bitter struggle to preserve his traditional way of life. Against the encroachment of desert sands, modern civilization and government restrictions on herding, our protagonist Wurgen fights just to keep his only remaining, beloved old horse. Unwilling to leave the grasslands for a new and uncertain life in the city, Wurgen finds himself in conflict with his friends and neighbors, local authorities and even his wife. Not merely one man's battle for survival, The Season of the Horse is a requiem for a rapidly disappearing dream, a way of life, a cultural identity and a proud nomadic tradition now threatened wit extinction. , 这是蒙古牧人乌日根一家, 在沙化的草原, 现代文明突至的今天, 为了继续他祖先千百年来遗留的草原游牧生活而苦苦挣扎的故事. 是一匹老马, 在时代更变的季风中不能把握命运的无奈嘶鸣. 是一个人、一个民族、一种生存方式或一种文化陷入困境后的忧伤之歌... 人们总说那匹马老了, 它真的老了吗? 它真的会离我们远去吗?.