The heritage / LaSalle College of the Arts, Puttnam School of Film & Animation ; directed by Kristina Asculiratus.

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"Asian Film Archive, a subsidiary of the National Library Board"--Disc surface. IMDA: G. Producer, Aastha Joshi; cinematography, Chan Qi Yan, Kristina Asculiratus; editors, Hanis Murad, Kristina Asculiratus. Featuring: Cano Laskin Alexandro David, Sakurako Yamagishi, Kenzo Yamagishi, Anna Yamagishi, Leo Yamagishi. In English, Russian and Japanese with English subtitles.

The heritage / LaSalle College of the Arts, Puttnam School of Film & Animation ; directed by Kristina Asculiratus.
Kristina Asculiratus, film director, cinematographer, film editor.
Video Recording
The Heritage follows a migrant Japanese-Russian family of five living in Singapore. Alex, the father, discusses the struggle of imparting the Russian language, culture and tradition to his children, who spend more time with their mother.
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