I'm a dinosaur. 2 / [Subsequence Entertainment ; directed by Yasser Haidar ; produced by Adam Mimnagh, Marie-Josee Coebeil, Christine Cote].

Video Recording

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Information About

Title from menu screen and disc label. Innokidz by InnoForm Media. Filmed with the assistance of the Nova Scotia Film Industry Tax Credit, Shaw Rocket Fund, Monsteri Distributers, Canadian Film or Video Production Tax Credit, with interim financing by National Bank of Canada TV and Motion Picture Group. Based on the format originally developed by Brown Bag Films ; written by Anne-Marie Perrotta & Tean Schultz.

I'm a dinosaur. 2 / [Subsequence Entertainment ; directed by Yasser Haidar ; produced by Adam Mimnagh, Marie-Josee Coebeil, Christine Cote].
Yasser Haidar.
Video Recording
"Meet the dinosaurs and watch them present the world they lived in more than 65 million years ago! What better way to learn about ancient beasts that roamed our planet than to let them introduce fun facts about themselves on camera? Each dinosaur brings their world to life in their own animated interview, confiding their quirks, strengths and weaknesses. We meet a greedy young Triceratops, a sensitive Brachiosaurus, a lovesick T-Rex and many more dinosaur - big and small. Discover their size and shape, what (and who) they like to eat, whether they have horns, scales or frills, and whether they can walk, run and swim"--Container.
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