1911辛亥革命 / 长影集团有限责任公司 ... [et al.]联合出品 ; 承制, 上海电影(集团)有限公司, 北京天鹤信羽文化传媒有限公司, 长影集团有限责任公司 ; 总监制, 杨新力 ... [et al.] ; 编剧, 王兴东, 陈宝光 ; 总导演, 成龙 ; 导演, 张黎 ; 监制, 陈炜 ... [et al.]. 1911 Xin hai ge ming / Chang ying ji tuan you xian ze ren gong si ... [et al.] lian he chu pin ; cheng zhi, Shanghai dian ying (ji tuan) you xian gong si, Beijing tian he xin yu wen hua chuan mei you xian gong si, Chang ying ji tuan you xian ze ren gong si ; zong jian zhi, Yang Xinli ... [et al.] ; bian ju, Wang Xingdong, Chen Baoguang ; zong dao yan, Cheng Long ; dao yan, Zhang Li ; jian zhi, Chen Wei ... [et al.].

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Title from disc label. Originally produced as a motion picture. "Jackie Chan's 100th film = 成龙第100部电影"--Container. 题名自碟面. Board of Film Censors, Singapore: PG13 (War violence). 新加坡电影检查局: PG13级 (战争场面). Cinematographer, 黄伟 ; art director, 赵海 ; production sound, 章文 ; editor, 杨红雨 ; original score, 林朝阳, 丁薇 ; action choreographer, 伍刚. 成龙, 赵文瑄, 李冰冰, 孙淳, 陈冲, 姜武. In Mandarin with optional simplified Chinese or English subtitles. 华语对白, 中英文字幕.

1911辛亥革命 / 长影集团有限责任公司 ... [et al.]联合出品 ; 承制, 上海电影(集团)有限公司, 北京天鹤信羽文化传媒有限公司, 长影集团有限责任公司 ; 总监制, 杨新力 ... [et al.] ; 编剧, 王兴东, 陈宝光 ; 总导演, 成龙 ; 导演, 张黎 ; 监制, 陈炜 ... [et al.]. 1911 Xin hai ge ming / Chang ying ji tuan you xian ze ren gong si ... [et al.] lian he chu pin ; cheng zhi, Shanghai dian ying (ji tuan) you xian gong si, Beijing tian he xin yu wen hua chuan mei you xian gong si, Chang ying ji tuan you xian ze ren gong si ; zong jian zhi, Yang Xinli ... [et al.] ; bian ju, Wang Xingdong, Chen Baoguang ; zong dao yan, Cheng Long ; dao yan, Zhang Li ; jian zhi, Chen Wei ... [et al.].
Yang, Xinli. http://id.loc.gov/authorities/names/nr93020517. http://viaf.org/viaf/289353703.
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The event took place in 1911. Huang Xin (Jackie Chan) and Sun Yat Sen (Winston Chao) were the leaders of the revolution group-Tong Meng Hui. They fight against the deteriorated Qing Dynasty to achieve better lives for the people. There were 2 uprisings against the royal troops. The first one was held in Guangzhou in April 1911. The revolutionists attacked the Governor's office but faced a total failure due to inadequate supply of ammunition. A huge number of the revolutionists were sacrificed. In October of the same year, another uprising in Wu Chang was set. The royal army rebelled have successfully occupied three towns in Hu Han and seized the control of Hu Bei province. Empress Dowager Longyu (Joan Chen) appointed Yuan Shi Kai (Sun Chun) and his best soldiers to fight back immensely. Huang then commanded the Defended troop, resisted for one month before success followed. 14 Provinces declared independency. Sun was appointed as the temporary President who alleged to give away the position to the one who convinced the Qing Royal to surrender. Yuan has succeeded to do so and got the authority. It then ended the 268 years of the Reign of the Qing Dynasty and 2000 years of monarchy. The Republic was then founded. , 晚清末年, 内忧外患, 中华民族到了危亡之际.《辛亥革命》以孙中山(赵文瑄饰)、黄兴(成龙饰)为首的同盟会, 为推翻卖国腐朽的清王朝, 拯救中国, 创建共和制度, 在1911年4月发动了广州起义, 打入两广总督府, 终因弹尽, 起义者牺牲惨重, 收尸72具, 葬于黄花岗. 10月10又发动了武昌起义, 革命军占领了武汉三镇, 夺取了湖北政权. 这时清朝起用袁世凯(孙淳饰)精锐部队, 大举反攻, 黄兴指挥保卫战, 坚守了一个月、导致全国14省宣布独立, 脫离清朝, 支持共和. 辛亥革命推翻了清朝268年的统治, 结束了中国二千年的帝制.
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