幸福额度 = Love on credit / 北京小马奔腾影业有限公司, 东申童画(北京)文化传播有限公司出品 ; 总监制, 钟丽芳, 张一白 ; 编剧, 王纪尧, 佐耳, 陈正道 ; 导演, 陈正道. Xing fu e du = Love on credit / Beijing xiao ma ben teng ying ye you xian gong si, Dong shen tong hua (Beijing) wen hua chuan bo you xian gong si chu pin ; zong jian zhi, Zhong Lifang, Zhang Yibai ; bian ju, Wang Jiyao, Zuo Er, Chen Zhengdao ; dao yan, Chen Zhengdao.

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Originally released as motion picture. Special features = 特别收录: Trailer = 宣传短片 ; photo gallery = 相片馆 ; character introduction = 人物介绍. Board of Film Censors, Singapore: PG. 新加坡电影检查局: PG级. Director of photography, 江敏忠 ; edited by 李栋全 ; production designer, 彭维民 ; sound designer, 朱晓佳 ; music y 龚钰祺. 林志玲, 陈坤, 廖凡, 杨佑宁. In Mandarin with simplified Chinese and English subtitles. 华语发音, 中英文字幕.

幸福额度 = Love on credit / 北京小马奔腾影业有限公司, 东申童画(北京)文化传播有限公司出品 ; 总监制, 钟丽芳, 张一白 ; 编剧, 王纪尧, 佐耳, 陈正道 ; 导演, 陈正道. Xing fu e du = Love on credit / Beijing xiao ma ben teng ying ye you xian gong si, Dong shen tong hua (Beijing) wen hua chuan bo you xian gong si chu pin ; zong jian zhi, Zhong Lifang, Zhang Yibai ; bian ju, Wang Jiyao, Zuo Er, Chen Zhengdao ; dao yan, Chen Zhengdao.
Zhong, Lifang.
Video Recording
Xiaoqing and Xiaohong are twins with distinctive, different personalities. Xiaoqing believes in true love but Xiaohong is a monetarist woman. Xiaoqing has a boyfriend Jiang Cheng for ten years, where she broke up with anger because Jiang Cheng is cheated all money and their property. Xiaohong is a mistress of her boss more than 10 years and everything come to her is cheating and she feels disheartened. Xiaohong determine to use the credit card limits to access a man, she finds a man, named Zhang Quan, has no limited credit card. Xiaoqing is stimulated, and applies lots of credit cards to disguise as a socialite. She wants to marry a young, successful entrepreneur Shen Tao prior to her credit card due. Both ladies are approaching a monetary life, but god likes having fun with them ... , 晓青与晓红是一对性格迥异的双胞胎姐妹, 妹妹晓青相信真爱, 姐姐晓红则崇尚拜金. 个性认份的晓青与交往十年的男友姜成存钱购屋准备结婚, 却因姜成被人骗光积蓄与房产, 愤而分手, 一夜之间对爱情彻底失望; 而晓红一直作为自己上司的小三, 十年的等待, 换来的只是被欺骗而心灰意冷. 决心用信用卡额度来评鉴男人的晓红, 遇到了一个拥有无限卡的富二代张全, 而晓青因受到晓红的刺激办了数十张信用卡开始装扮成名媛, 想要在信用卡到期之前嫁给刚认识的青年实业家沈涛. 是真爱无价? 还是拜金无罪?.
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