The next wave of original Singapore musicals five foot broadway March 2006 : closer to your heart : 25 March 2006, at The Arts House, Play Den, Singapore / Presented by Musical Theatre Limited ; Written by Haresh Sharma and music by Frederic Lin.

Video Recording

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Information About

Title from disc label. "Main video (approximately 45:52 mins)"--Container. "Reproduced with permission for archival/reference purposes only"--Disc label. "Recorded on 25 March 2006, at The Arts House, Play Den, Singapore."-- Back of container. Board of Film Censors, Singapore: PG (Some sexual reference). Actors, Aishah Mohd Noor, Chong Yihan, Shahdon Mohd Jamil, Frederick Lin, Dhaniah Suhana. In English.

The next wave of original Singapore musicals five foot broadway March 2006 : closer to your heart : 25 March 2006, at The Arts House, Play Den, Singapore / Presented by Musical Theatre Limited ; Written by Haresh Sharma and music by Frederic Lin.
Lin, Frederic, composer, actor.
Video Recording
"Mae had taken a big leap of faith in coming to Singapore with her husband, Oscar. Knowing no one in Singapore, she believed in Oscar's promise of a better life. Over the years, things became worse when Oscar became addicted to alcohol. Jacob, the youngest son, has never taken a liking to books as opposed to his elder brother, Ray. Mae finds Jacob a negative influence on Ray and hopes that the former would change. When a family problem arises, Mae and Jacob discover that instead of bringing them closer, it breaks them further apart."--Back of container.
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Rights Statement
"For onsite viewing only at Esplanade and Lee Kong Chian Reference libraries."