河南郑州 [videorecording] = Zhengzhou Henan Province / 制作, 上海天地行影视传媒有限公司 ; 出品人, 陈梁. Henan Zhengzhou [videorecording] = Zhengzhou Henan Province / zhi zuo, Shanghai tian di xing ying shi chuan mei you xian gong si ; chu pin ren, Chen Liang.

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"中国历史文化名城·中国八大古都之一"--碟面及外盒. "GDVD-8138"--碟面及外盒. "采用高清拍摄"--外盒. "TV documentary series featuring one hundred cities in China"--外盒. 摄影, 奚建治. 中文解说: 王涛; 翻译解说: 张辉. In Mandarin or English with optional Chinese or English subtitles. 华英语发音, 中英文字幕.

河南郑州 [videorecording] = Zhengzhou Henan Province / 制作, 上海天地行影视传媒有限公司 ; 出品人, 陈梁. Henan Zhengzhou [videorecording] = Zhengzhou Henan Province / zhi zuo, Shanghai tian di xing ying shi chuan mei you xian gong si ; chu pin ren, Chen Liang.
Chen, Liang.
Video Recording
Zhengzhou, located in the Central China plain with the Yellow River to the north and Mount Songshan to the west, is the capital of Henan Province. The long and splendid history has left Zhengzhou with many enriched cultural and historic sites, which was named as one of eight ancient towns in China. In addition, the city is endowed with various natural and human resources. Situated at the foot of Mt. Song, Shaolin Temple is the cradle of Shaolin Kong Fu, whose popularity was shocked the world. It's also the hometown of the Yellow Emperor and mausoleum of Northern Song Dynasty. Listed into the National Historic cultural cities, Zhengzhou is attracting the visitors from around the world. , 郑州, 河南省的省会, 北临黄河, 西依嵩山, 悠久的历史和灿烂的文明给郑州留下了丰富的文化积淀, 是中国八大古都之一. 这里文物古迹、文化遗址为数众多, 高山、平原、丘陵, 河流等复杂多样的自然地貌构成了丰富的自然和人文资源. 黄河水从城市北部缓缓流过, 形成景以壮美、文化意蕴丰厚的黄河游览区; 坐落在嵩山脚下的"天下第一名刹"少林寺将威震海内外的少林功夫传扬到世界各地; 还有轩辕黄帝故里、北宋皇陵等名胜古迹, 吸引着八方来客, 使之成为国务院公布的国家历史文化名城.
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