Ice age. Dawn of the dinosaurs / Twentieth Century Fox Animation presents a Blue Sky Studios production ; produced by John C. Donkin, Lori Forte ; story by Jason Carter Eaton ; screenplay by Michael Berg ... [et al.] ; directed by Carlos Saldanha.

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Information About

Board of Film Censors, Singapore: G. Ice age, dawn of the dinosuars: Blue Sky Studios ; produced by John C. Donkin, Lori Forte ; story by Jason Carter Eaton ; screenplay Michael Berg ... [et al.] ; directors, Carlos Saldanha, Mike Thurmeier ; music, John Powell. Ray Romano, Queen Latifah, John Leguizamo, Denis Leary, Simon Pegg. In English, with optional subtitles in English, Chinese, Cantonese, Korean or Bahasa Indonesian.

Ice age. Dawn of the dinosaurs / Twentieth Century Fox Animation presents a Blue Sky Studios production ; produced by John C. Donkin, Lori Forte ; story by Jason Carter Eaton ; screenplay by Michael Berg ... [et al.] ; directed by Carlos Saldanha.
Donkin, John C.
Video Recording
Ice age, dawn of the dinosaurs: Scrat is still trying to nab the ever-elusive nut and maybe finding true love; Manny and Ellie await the birth of their mini-mammoth; Diego the saber-toothed tiger wonder if he's growing too 'soft' handing with his pals; and Sid the sloth gets into trouble when he creates his own makeshift family by hijacking some dinosaur eggs. On a mission to rescue the hapless Sid, the gang ventures into a mysterious underground world, where they have some very close encounters with dinosaurs, battle flora and fauna, run amuck, and meet a relentless, one-eyed, dino-hunting weasel named Buck.
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