嘉兴 [videorecording] = Jiaxing / 制作, 上海天地行影视传媒有限公司 ; 出品人, 陈梁. Jiaxing [videorecording] = Jiaxing / zhi zuo, Shanghai tian di xing ying shi chuan mei you xian gong si ; chu pin ren, Chen Liang.

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"中国红色旅游城市, 鱼米之乡、丝绸之府"--碟面及外盒. "GDVD-8140"--碟面及外盒. "采用高清拍摄"--外盒. "TV documentary series featuring one hundred cities in China"--外盒. 摄影, 奚建治. 中文解说: 王涛; 翻译解说: 张辉. In Mandarin or English with optional Chinese or English subtitles. 华英语发音, 中英文字幕.

嘉兴 [videorecording] = Jiaxing / 制作, 上海天地行影视传媒有限公司 ; 出品人, 陈梁. Jiaxing [videorecording] = Jiaxing / zhi zuo, Shanghai tian di xing ying shi chuan mei you xian gong si ; chu pin ren, Chen Liang.
Wang, Tao.
Video Recording
Situated in northeastern Zhejiang Province, Jiaxing is long known as a "land of fish and rice" and the "home of silk", Jiaxing holds an advantaged geographic location, and showcases her endless prosperity and beauty. The long history and splendid culture fostered arrays of great celebrities. Nowadays, Jiaxing also has abundant tourism resource and its environment is beautiful as China's excellent tourist city and the national park-like city. But lots of well-renowned scenic spots could be found in the unique water town in Southern China. , 浙江嘉兴自古就是富庶之地, 有着"鱼米之乡、丝绸之府"的美誉. 得天独厚的地理优势, 使得这座城市尽显繁华和美丽. 嘉兴历史悠久, 文化灿烂, 历史名人辈出, 旅游资源十分丰富, 是中国优秀旅游城市和国家园林城市. 其自然风光以潮、湖、河、海并存驰誉江南, 境内有革命圣地南湖、"天下第一潮"的海宁钱江潮、平湖九龙山以及"江南水乡古镇"嘉善西塘和桐乡乌镇. 这些耳熟能详的著名景点, 构成了嘉兴独有的江南水乡特色.
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