十二生肖 = CZ12 / 成龙导演作品 ; 成龙影业有限公司, 华谊兄弟传媒股份有限公司, 英皇影业有限公司出品 ; 监制, 董韵诗 [and three others] ; 编剧, 导演, 成龙 ; 编剧, 唐季礼, 邓景生, 陈勋奇. Shi er sheng xiao = CZ12 / Cheng Long dao yan zuo pin ; Cheng Long ying ye you xian gong si, Hua Yi xiong di chuan mei gu fen you xian gong si, Ying Huang ying ye you xian gong si chu pin ; jian zhi, Dong Yunshi [and three others] ; bian ju, dao yan, Cheng Long ; bian ju, Tang Jili, Deng Jingsheng, Chen Xunqi.

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Information About

Originally released by Hong Kong as a motion picture in 2012. Special features include: Trailers; behind-the-scences; gala premiere highlights; photo gallery. Accompanying DVD has title: 蛇年运程 = 2013 Chinese zodiac forecaset. Hong Kong Film Awards: Best Action Choreography, 2013, Bradley James Allan, Jackie Chan and Jun He. Board of Film Censors, Singapore: PG (some violence) 新加坡电影检查局: PG级 (些许暴力画面) UA1955. Music, 王宗贤, Gary Chase ; cinematographer, 黄永恒 [and three others] ; editor, 邱志伟. 成龙, 姚星彤, 权相佑, 廖凡, 张蓝心, Laura Weissbecker. Soundtracks: Mandarin (Dolby digital 2.0), Mandarin (Dolby digital 5.1) and Cantonese (Dolby digital 2.0); Subtitles: English and Chinese. 华粤语发音, 中英文字幕.

十二生肖 = CZ12 / 成龙导演作品 ; 成龙影业有限公司, 华谊兄弟传媒股份有限公司, 英皇影业有限公司出品 ; 监制, 董韵诗 [and three others] ; 编剧, 导演, 成龙 ; 编剧, 唐季礼, 邓景生, 陈勋奇. Shi er sheng xiao = CZ12 / Cheng Long dao yan zuo pin ; Cheng Long ying ye you xian gong si, Hua Yi xiong di chuan mei gu fen you xian gong si, Ying Huang ying ye you xian gong si chu pin ; jian zhi, Dong Yunshi [and three others] ; bian ju, dao yan, Cheng Long ; bian ju, Tang Jili, Deng Jingsheng, Chen Xunqi.
Cheng, Long. 1954- film director, author, actor. http://id.loc.gov/authorities/names/no96039667. http://viaf.org/viaf/116650054.
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国际侠盗JC及他的得力助手Simon, David, Bonnie一直在全球各地偷窃各种奇珍异宝, 不为理想信念, 只为金钱. 一次偶然的机会, 他们开始偷窃圆明园流失兽首, 在这个过程中, JC结识了傲娇的女伯爵Katherine和保护流失文物的国宝鉴定专家COCO, 他们与诸多势力集团展开了一场惊心动魄的夺宝之旅. 法国古堡奇遇, 太平洋冒险之旅, 在一路寻宝的过程中, JC保护国宝的赤子之心也被渐渐唤醒. 在最后守护龙首的战斗中, JC不惜冒着生命危险, 飞身跳向瓦努阿图火山口.
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