狮城之声传北京 = Voices of Lion City in Beijing. Shi cheng zhi sheng chuan Beijing = Voices of Lion City in Beijing.
Sound Recording
Information About
Orchestra and choral works by SIngapore Composers. Title from disc label. 新加坡作曲家作品专场音乐会(现场录音). 北京音乐厅(8-9-1997). Producer: Lim Tiap Guan, Chiew Keng Hoon. 监制: 林哲源, 周炯训. 中央歌剧芭蕾舞剧院交响乐团/合唱团 ; 指挥, 高伟春.
狮城之声传北京 = Voices of Lion City in Beijing. Shi cheng zhi sheng chuan Beijing = Voices of Lion City in Beijing.